Monday, November 14, 2016

Radical Leftists planning more protests including at Trumps Inaugrination on January 20th

Radical leftists are calling for thousands upon thousands of activists to descend upon Washington D.C. on Inauguration Day....

The radicals are calling for more so called protests as you see in the article written by Michael Snyder since they are so brainwashed thanks to the Marxist education system that has turned them into servile minions and it is their lies about Mr. Trump that lead him to being elected and the hatefulness I have seen on the radical left especially last night on Twitter from some was horrific and disgusting even some people have including kids have been beating up for merely supporting Trump

These people are really despicable and need to grow (excuse my language) the fuck up and accept you don't always get your way in life. The reason Mr. Trump was elected is because The left wing elitists in Hollywood and criminal Clinton and the corrupt and discredited MSM smeared people who supported Trump by calling them racists on issues like the border, homophobic even though I have gay followers on my Twitter who supported Donald Trump and all kinds of shit and people simply had enough of the political correct garbage and you know what I understood that very well because I have been attacked for my pro-life comments on Twitter sometimes being called a racist when I said that abortion was the greatest form of discrimination against any human regardless of sexual orientation, gender, disabilities or not and etc..

We need to Unite together people and stop this divide and conquer crap that got us in trouble in the first place