Tuesday, November 15, 2016

4 Year old girl loses dad thanks to spoiled brat riots over trump being elected block ambulance AND Katy Perry is an establishment hack

"I had a patient die because our ambulance was stopped by the protesters".... http://www.infowars.com/report-anti-trump-protesters-block-ambulance-father-of-4-year-old-girl-dies/. This is so horrible these jackasses blocked the ambulance of this young lady's dad and he dies because they had to go around blocked roads for 45 minutes and similar blocking of roads happened in places like Minneapolis which is just down south from where I live. Their safety pins they are wearing because they are so god damn brainwashed by the state and the education system can be given to this little girl not adults acting like fucking 2 year old children over a free and unrigged election though the radical left did try but still this is nuts and needs to stop.

Katy Perry is an establishment hack and tool for the elites she gave 10,000 dollars to the racist and eugenicist Planned Parenthood who have been caught in myriads of crimes such as selling baby organs on the illegal market, covering up sexual assaults and many other horrific atrocities
http://www.lifenews.com/2016/11/14/singer-katy-perry-donates-10000-to-planned-parenthood-abortion-biz-after-hillary-clinton-loses/ and she supported crooked Hillary as the rest of the Hollywood Marxist elites did as well ingoring her myriad of crimes and corruption which is disgraceful and also not surprising either. Katy Perry you are piece of globalist trash, you are also a hypocrite and an embarrassment you should be ashamed of yourself but you probably are not