Talking about an idea, promoting the idea globally and pushing to the extremes to become a religion is basically so damn radical people cannot see the true intentions of what is behind it.
Agenda 21, Eco-Warriors, Sustainability, Mother Earth, Gaia, Environmentalism, Green this and all of that are mere buzz words that are installed into this new religion that throws back to the pagan religion that believes rocks, trees, dirt and the rest of it are "spirits" that we should basically worship as our gods or we will be doomed to pay the price for failing.. Extinction
Now the bloody pope has endorsed the confiscation of our wealth through fraud and this is one of the tenets of COMMUNISM
as reported in Reuters, Pope Francis basically told UN Secretary General Ban Kai Moon on friday that the world has to do more to help the poor so stealing our money to do it is the solution when it all this will do is fund the globalist elites and their quest for world government basically all under the guise of helping the poor and saving the earth from a life giving gas that has been unfairly demonized by the eco-fascists tyrants and Francis took a dig at UN committees on sexual abuse and the Catholic Church's opposition to abortion and there was on on torture itself
and then there is an article about how Christianity os being destroyed by the gaia worshipping death cult as the Bible has been attacked for a long time and been removed from schools
And churches are now preaching Earth Worship which is paganism at its best and is being used to usher in a one world religion to compliment the World government and World law which if you ever read the Georgia Guidestones pretty much sums up what these control freaks want