Saturday, February 22, 2014

Sierra Club promotes de-industrialization

The eco-fascists at the sierra club want to de-industrialize us because in their minds working less is good for the earth as it will reduce evil life giving carbon dioxide and calls for you living in an apartment, having fewer coffees and the whole nine yards because according to Worldwatch Fellow Erik Assadourin "There is no such thing as sustainable growth, not in any country like the U.S. We have to de-grow our economy, which is obviously not a popular stance to take in a culture that celebrates growth in all forms, But as the saying goes, if everyone consumed like the Americans, we'd need four planets"

Also this lunatic suggests forcing us all to hang our laundry to use less now I am not saying that hanging your laundry to dry is bad but we should be able to have the freedom to make our own decisions without these nanny state fools telling us how we should live and the de-industrialization of the west has been in the works for a long time if you recall Maurice Strong, one of the orchestrators of UN Agenda 21, famously saying that to save the earth we had to shut down all the economies of the world and that is exactly what the elite want: you to be poor so they can control our lives through fraud

Look here in Ontario for example, our energy prices have skyrocketed since the Green Energy Act(I should say scam) was passed in 2009 and now the criminal investigation into the gas plant cancellation emails has heated up as the Ontario Provincial Police may have found a possible location(  for those emails in that scandal

All of this is being done by design in order to enslave us into their corporate fascist world government and more sinisterly to reduce world population down to 90% which is already being done through our food system and water system with the GMOs and the chemicals they put in tap water.

CO2 is our friend not enemy, Stand up for freedom and human rights for all by slamming the door on radical environmentalism once and for all.