Nearly 50 mayors jumped the ship on former New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg's "Mayors Against Illegal Guns" campaign over allegations the group's goal was to confiscate guns from law-abiding citizens according to one former member.
It was reported in the Poughkeepsie Journal, that the mayor of Poughkeepsie released a statement coming clean about the true nature of their intentions which was gun confiscation
John Tkazyik(the Poughkeepsie Mayor) said: "Under the guise of helping mayors facing a crime and drug epidemic, MAIG intended to promote confiscation of guns from law-abiding citizens" confirming suspicions of many about the group he also said: "Nearly 50 pro-Second Amendment mayors left the organization. They left for the same reason I did"
And he is not the first one to voice allegations. Back in 2007, the mayor of Williamsport, PA also said she left after witnessing "dubious" attempts to undermine the second amendment. "I have learned that the coalition may be working on issues which conflict with legal gun ownership, and that some actions on your behalf are dubious" then Williamsport Mayor Mary Wolf wrote in a letter to Bloomberg himself
And also just last year, during a Mothers Demand Action (a gun control group which merged with MAIG in December 2013) Austin Texas Councilman Mike Martinez singled out a protestor for carrying a sign that said "Stop the Gun Ban" and told him "... there is no gun ban currently, but because of the work we're doing here today, we will make your sign legitimate shortly, so you hang to that"
Since Sandy Hook, there have been many attempts by the US government to curtail firearms ownership and this news comes at a time when American gun owners are wary of how in jeopardy their right to bear arms is. Anyone who has studied gun control knows all to well what happens: genocide as any dictatorship whether it was Hitler, Stalin or Mao for examples they all took the guns and killed millions of innocent people as a result because the people were completely defenseless
Also the fact that these ant-gun groups like MAIG are so bloody arrogant and open about their intentions should make all American gun owners freaked out and they have done the same thing to Canada when the gun registration hit as well and the stories of people who were defending their property like this guy in Ontario against punks who were threatening his life using his gun to protect himself getting arrested for defending his life and the Alberta floods of last year where the RCMP used them to confiscate guns from law abiding people in places like Calgary and High River and I posted articles regarding that story to illustrate how crisis like the floods or a school shooting in this manner can be used to go after law abiding gun owners
Given the fact 50 mayors jumped ship but the ones who are still on knowing how treasonous MAIG is have not left. So kudos to those 50 who left that organization showing there is still some good within government