Sunday, February 5, 2012

Carbon Eugenics -- Genocide in the name of the environment is still geno...

 from James Corbett of the corbett exposes the history of  eugenics and how it highjacked the environmental movenment  who view humanity as a disease that must be eradicated and that in the hoax of man made climate change they view that if they kill 85% of us that the world will be a better place but as I have said before there are thank god  people who are exposing this human rights abusing agenda like who expose as I have mentioned the hoax of overpopulation and the horrific abuses that have occurred because of this awful travesty.. and how they think that the way poor people in the third world are living in poverty is something that is "sustainable" when we all know that before industry, you were lucky if you lived to 35 years of age.. They see human innovation has this awful plague if you recall Maurice Strong's lunatic quote to Elaine Dewar who wrote the book cloak of green where he said that the only way to save the planet was to get rid of industrialized society and return back to shorter life spans and etc.. but we all know that development has lead to the eradication of such terrible illnesses like polio and MMR however these lunatics do not see it that way and therefore it is important that this gets exposed so we can stop these malthusian idiots from carrying out their sick disgusting plans