Friday, June 4, 2021

Rebel News Lawsuit against Covid prisons and Saskatchewan lockdowns, Fauci emails show damning evidence of lab leak and covering up effective treatments

Sheila Gunn Reid provides updates on their lawsuit against the Federal government's unconstitutional quarantine hotel policies and the lack of evidence the government has to justify their tyranny over the people and their lawsuit against the Saskatchewan government over their lockdown policies as well These emails of Fauci were obtained through an FOIA request and show huge evidence of the fact the virus looked engineered and admitted masks do not work and covered up effective treatments for the wuhan flu because the deep state needed to get rid of trump and he also smeared Florida governor Ron Desantis for not going along with medical tyranny and went with real evidence based approaches and kept florida open even before the vaccines article from talks about how fauci funded the lab in question and how house republicans are demanding a briefing into that matter so it looks like the covid medical fraud house of cards is coming down as we speak