Wednesday, March 17, 2021

Government wants you to be sick and unhealthy to depend on them and Pastor Coates has been released from prison Spencer Fernando has a great column about how the government not wanting you to be healthy and fit and would rather us be sick and die so we can depend on them given how they covered up the fact that being overweight led to negative outcomes regarding the wuhan flu and the fact that exercise taking vtiamin d fish oils vitamin c eating healthy foods can boost your immune system but no they and their big pharma pals would rather profit off experimental vaccines that have no long term safety data for a virus that is 99% recoverable with an average fatality rate of 0.2% here are some excerpts from this article:

If there was ever a time for physical fitness to be emphasized, it was during the last year. Instead, the government shut down gyms and encouraged everyone to stay inside under the threat of state enforcement.

“Governments don’t want a population capable of critical thinking, they want obedient workers, people just smart enough to run the machines and just dumb enough to passively accept their situation.”

That’s a quote from George Carlin, and it is 100% correct.

Politicians want us to be intellectually weak, and unwilling to challenge them.

And in the past year, we’ve seen that the government wants us to be physically weak as well.

The link between obesity and covid outcomes is now undeniable. Many jurisdictions have made obese individuals a priority for vaccines, and it is largely seen as the second highest risk factor (aside from age) for mortality and severe illness from the virus.You would think this would be a wakeup call for our society.

You would think that politicians would want to promote a healthy society, considering the immense benefits it would bring.

Consider some of the biggest problems we face long-term:

A mental health crisis.

Rising healthcare costs.

An aging population.

Improved physical fitness has been shown to increase mental health (weightlifting is great for this), a healthier population costs the healthcare system much less, and the costs of an aging population are reduced when older people are healthier and more independent into old age.

Yet, during the crisis, what did politicians do?

They shut down gyms, put limits on outdoor gatherings, and encouraged people to stay home.

As a result, obesity actually went up.

Politicians don’t want a strong, physically fit population of independent thinkers

The fact is, politicians (especially those of the statist variety), want a population that is easy to control. If more people were physically fit, there would be far less dependence on the government, and people would be more willing to challenge the actions of those in power.

So, politicians instead want us to be the physical equivalent of what Carlin said, people just healthy enough to keep the machine running without having the energy & strength to push for more.

This is why we simply cannot trust politicians to tell us how to live or act. The interests of the government don’t line up with our own.

and Pastor James Coates has been released from according to abearking report from Rebel News prison this is great news and shame on those who conspired to put him in there in the first place simply for having church services which is a threat to the communist globalist state since the Church in some instances has challenged government tyranny and they don't like that here are some details from the report: Pastor James Coates of Edmonton's GraceLife Church is set to be released in the next few days after Crown prosecutors have agreed to withdraw all but one of his charges related to keeping his church open during the province's COVID lockdown.

According to his legal representation at the Justice Centre for Constitutional Freedoms:

The Justice Centre will defend Pastor Coates on one remaining charge of violating an Order of the Chief Medical Officer of Health by challenging the lawfulness of the public health order that he is charged with violating.

The Pastor of Grace Life Church near Edmonton has been incarcerated in the Edmonton Remand Centre for a month, since February 16. It is expected that Pastor Coates could be released from jail as early as Friday, March 19.

Pastor Coates was arrested by authorities in Alberta after he allowed, and led, services at GraceLife in contravention of the province's restrictions on public gatherings. Currently, Alberta is only allowing religious gatherings to operate at 15 per cent of the buildings fire code capacity.

Refusing to adhere to the capacity limitations and not forcing congregants to wear masks eventually led to a $1,200 fine and subsequent surveillance by Alberta government officials. Ultimately, GraceLife received an executive order to close the church from the province's Chief Medical Officer of Health Deena Hinshaw.

On February 7, pastor Coates was arrested in his office, though he was released. Following his release, the pastor then returned to holding services the next weeked, February 14, as he had been doing, and once more run afoul of police. Pastor Coates was asked to turn himself in and did so the on February 16.

Pastor Coates would then be placed in custody at Edmonton's Remand Centre — a maximum security prison. Despite the province previously releasing low-risk offenders due to COVID-19 concerns, the pastor remained behind bars.

The pastor was presented with bail terms that, according to his lawyer, James Kitchen from the Justice Centre, were directives he could not follow in good conscience.

Protesters demonstrated in support of pastor Coates, and more churches opened in a show of solidarity and defiance against the pastor's detention and the restrictions on religious gatherings.

In spite of pastor Coates being behind bars, GraceLife continued on as it had when he was leading services, with his supporters vowing to continue to have a new pastor each week if necessary, should the government continue to arrest the church's leaders.

The next legal hurdle for pastor Coates was a bail hearing to determine whether the requirements of the pastor were excessive or appropriate. Justice Peter Michalyshyn deemed that they were, and the pastor was expected to remain in the Remand Centre until his trial in May — despite the fact that the potential punishment pastor Coates could receive would not actually result in jail time.