Alex Newman of the new American inteviews Dr Lee Merrit on the weaponization of medicine and the coronavirus and it is a must watch and very interesting as well and talks about the medicines like HCQ that are being covered up by the establishment because they work on viral infections extremely well very good article from Spencer Fernando on the ever growing assaults on our god given rights through various governments using the 99.7% recoverable wuhan coronavirus as a cover for their tyranny whether it is people being fined for opening their businesses or going to church it is out of control and we must stand now against the public health deep state and the governments that are enabling them to keep us on illegal house arrest and controlling our lives another good one exposing the the quarantine camps that Randy Hiller an MPP here in Ontario was exposing last year and was demonized and proving to be correct and the article breaks down the ridiculous travel restrictions that the feds are imposing on you after some got caught leaving the country to go on vacations while we are locked down in parts of the country including Ontario