Wednesday, September 9, 2020

Doug Ford the fascist hypocrite and the CPC are just like the left want the UN to run our lives Doug Ford really is showing what a pathetic hypocritical son of a bitch he is by wanting the cops to arrest people for having so called unauthorized parties but this jerk gets to go to a wedding with no masks or anything he is acting just like Justin Trudeau with a blue tie on I am getting really fed up with his garbage lately and those of the public health bureaucrats as well who keep pushing junk science and fear mongering crap it is getting on my nerves the fake Conservative party of Canada now run by Erin O Toole wants to keep killing this country and our oil and gas sector by giving all our money to the UN  so they can further control us through agenda 2030/21 and China and all the rest of them with the treasonous Paris accord that does nothing but erode our sovereignty but O Toole does not care and Maxime Bernier was 100% right in his press conference about just how bad the CPC is and how they are no different than the Liberal left communist NDP and the communist Greens they should just merge with them and we can get on our with our lives and over this nonsense that CO2 is going to kill us when you all know that CO2 is life and the only party standing up to this crap is Maxime Bernier and the People’s Party of canada even though they don’t have a seat but it is refreshing never the less