Tuesday, July 28, 2020

Hypocrites in government: Hajdu charged taxpayers for her flying over hell's half acres,big tech silences drs on hydroxycholorquine

https://spencerfernando.com/2020/07/27/hypocrite-hajdus-costly-commute-while-telling-you-not-to-travel-hajdus-repeated-flights-cost-taxpayers-73k/ so Thunde Bay Superior North MP for the Liberal communist party of Canada and incompetent health minister Patty Hajdu charged the tax payers $73,000 dollars for her flights from Ottawa to Thunder Bay and lecturing us about not going anywhere or visiting family but it is the thing with elites they are allowed to do what they want but us peasants have to follow their dictatorial rules https://www.breitbart.com/tech/2020/07/28/twitter-censors-videos-of-doctors-capitol-hill-coronavirus-press-conference-locks-breitbart-account/ Drs in the United States who are frustrated with the establishment's lies about the wuhan coronavirus had a press conference yesterday that went viral with 15 million views is now being censored by big tech and their sillicon valley cronies because they were exposing the lies and the great results of hydroxycholoroquine in their patients that had the wuhan coronavirus and had terrific results in treating them and so of course this has to be silenced because the big pharma people and bill gates and others can't profit off this cheap drug that would be around 20 bucks canadian but of course here in Canada no government allowed the use of this drug but I did hear they approved the remivsadar instead even though it is mroe expensivehttps://globalnews.ca/news/7224970/health-canada-remdesivir-coronavirus/ but profit over patients is more important than using something that has been around for close to 65 years https://spencerfernando.com/2020/07/22/sloan-slams-ford-stands-with-belinda-karahalios/ Derek Sloan ripped into ontario Preimer Doug Ford for getting rid of Belinda Karahalios who had prioblems with bill 195 since she said it gave the government way too much dictatorial power and also highlighted how Ford broke his own promise of allowing MPPs in his party be allowed to vote how they wanted to vote on legislation and proves yet again he is no better than the federal government Liberals and lecturing people on having parties https://toronto.ctvnews.ca/ontario-premier-blasts-yahoos-who-held-huge-party-wants-full-extent-of-law-thrown-at-them-1.5040882 but was ok with the black lives matter protests that went on recently proving once more Mr Ford is a god damn hypocrite and wannabe communist dictator using the virus which I have mentioned has a low fatality rate to power grab at whim and to treat us like we are incompetent children who in his mind are not able to make our own decisions clearly now he has done some good things but these latest moves here show that at least at this point he cares more about power than the people of Ontario that he right now seems to pretend to give a damn about at the moment I am so tired of the hypocrisy of all levels of government at the moment it is sickening to be sure and they all need to be held accountable for it REGARDLESS of what party they belong too