Thursday, November 7, 2019

The left’s war on christmas starts early and also their highjacking of remembrance day lands a poor teenage girl suspended from school The left’s war on christmas has gotten underway as Sheila Gunn Reid of the Rebel news reports about how the Huffington post and others are trying to lecture you on turkey dinner and how ‘bad” it is for the environment because the travel of going to thanksgiving which is coming up for our american friends  and cooking of the turkey releases that god awful harmless  plant food known as CO2 in order to try and control you Soviet Communist style
A young lady in Manitoba was suspended from school because she refused to wear a rainbow poppy and had posters drawn up as to why it was a disrespectful idea because Remembrance Day is not about LGBT it is about honouring our war dead and honouring our past and current veterans who served in the military in the world wars and even in the Middle East but the school suspended her for so called hate speech and as keean Bexte reports for the rebel on this story interviewed the young lady and her friends who happen to be lgbt who were rightfully outraged by this and stood up for their friend and she has gotten a lot of support and there is a petition linked in the video description that I think everyone should sign to send a message to these leftist SJWs that we have had it with their highjacking of our cultural and stand for our vets and the free speech of this brave young lady