Monday, June 3, 2019

People’s Party of Canada presents refreshing environmental platform that does not promote the man made climate fraud and exposes the CO2 is pollution lie the People’s Party of Canada just put out their policy on the environment and  “global warming” and I have to say it is the most refreshing platform I have seen and it focuses on the real problems like the lack of clean drinking water in our First Nations communities  and exposes the tired climate  alarmism of the radical environmentalists on the left and promotes the facts that Co2 is not pollution but an important gas for all life but the best part is they want to get out of the fraudulent UN paris accord which I and others have said that Canada needs to get out of since it promotes world government and steals our money feel free to take a look at this platform and the other ones and also feel free to sign their petition calling out the corrupt and taxpayer funded MSM like the CBC, the Toronto Communist Red Star who have gotten 600 million dollars of OUR TAX DOLLARS to be Leftists props of the liberal communist party of Canada