Thursday, March 28, 2019

Elitist and entitled spoiled brat Trudeau mocks grassy narrows protestors for voicing concerns over mercury in the water shows hypocrisy of the left when it comes to environmental issues A grassy narrows mercury posioning protesters were forcibly removed and mocked at 1500 a plate liberal communist fundraiser by Trudeau telling them thanks for their donation when their legit concerns were mocked and ignored. The hypocrisy of the left shows here when they want to tax CO2 that we breath out and plants need to grow but in their warped minds it is bad so they use it justify taxing the shit out of canadians but real problems like the mercury issues in Grassy Narrows, a community near Kenora Ontario right here in Northern Ontario get mocked and ignored it is truly disgusting and shows just how out of touch the Ottawa elite and the laurentian elites are with ordinary candian people