Thursday, April 26, 2018

Newsroundup: California shows us why they are marxist by attacking breastfeeding and wanting to ban the bible and more David knight of and the real news breaks down California’s latest attack on christians by wanting to ban the bible and he also exposes how the left lgbt movement is attacking breastfeeding because it is somehow offensive to trans people it is truly mind blowing also dan dicks of pr as for truth breaks down some the latest news including the government hypocrisy when it comes to summer jobs in Canada the latest in radical feminism. At the g7 and the power corporation’s Paul desmMarais might have had a hand in funding Isis and Also mr dicks breaks down the toronto attack where a 25year old man ran down people in Toronto on Monday where ten people,e were killed and many others injured and my heart goes Out to the victims and their families  of this despicable act of terrorism