Friday, April 27, 2018

Some 9/11 news as families of the victims file a petition to get the attacks reinvestigated lawyers for 911 inquiry and the vicitms families have filed a petiton with the us attorney in the south district of New York based on. The evidence of all 3 towers showing signs of controlled demolition based on conclusive evidence article highlights I will show it is very interesting and I really hope this happens because America and the world deserve the truth and the families of the victims of that awful day in September get the justice they deserve  and the video ismof Infowars David knight talking About this story: “
This month, the Lawyers’ Committee for 9-11 Inquiry, a group representing families of the 9/11 victims, filed a petition with the U. S. Attorney for the Southern District of New York to push for an investigation into the crimes of 9/11. The committee states that they have “conclusive” evidence that explosives were planted and detonated in the trade center buildings, and that this is the actual reason for the collapse of the towers.
According to the 52-page petition, which is accompanied by 57 exhibits, federal statute requires the U.S. Department of Justice to review the evidence with a special grand jury. The petition states:
“The Lawyers’ Committee has reviewed the relevant available evidence . . . and has reached a consensus that there is not just substantial or persuasive evidence of yet-to-be-prosecuted crimes related to the use of pre-planted explosives and/or incendiaries . . . on 9/11, but there is actually conclusive evidence that such federal crimes were committed.”
The evidence that is put forward in the petition includes the following:
  • Independent scientific laboratory analysis of WTC dust samples showing the presence of high-tech explosives and/or incendiaries in the form of thermite or thermate.
  • Expert analysis of seismic evidence that explosions occurred at the WTC towers on 9/11 prior to the airplane impacts on the WTC Towers, and prior to the building collapses.
  • Technical analysis of video evidence of the WTC building collapses.
  • Firefighter reports of explosions, and of seeing “molten iron like in a foundry.” The petition states that the presence of molten iron would require temperatures higher than jet fuel and building contents could create when burned, but consistent with the use of the high tech explosive and incendiary thermite or thermate.
  • The presence of previously molten iron microspheres, which have been established by electron microscope analysis of WTC dust samples, by both government and independent scientists, is another phenomenon that would be scientifically impossible based on the burning of jet fuel and office contents alone.
  • Video and eyewitness testimony of the ejection during the collapse of WTC 1 and 2 of heavy steel elements laterally from the buildings which would not be possible from a gravity collapse.
  • Scientific analysis, eyewitness testimony, and government reports confirming sulfidation and high-temperature corrosion of the steel found in the rubble after the collapse of the WTC towers and WTC 7, a phenomenon not expected in a jet fuel fire and gravity collapse but consistent with the use of thermate and high explosives.
After the petition was delivered, the Lawyers committee delivered a press conference outside of the New York District Court, along with families of the victims.”

Thursday, April 26, 2018

Newsroundup: California shows us why they are marxist by attacking breastfeeding and wanting to ban the bible and more David knight of and the real news breaks down California’s latest attack on christians by wanting to ban the bible and he also exposes how the left lgbt movement is attacking breastfeeding because it is somehow offensive to trans people it is truly mind blowing also dan dicks of pr as for truth breaks down some the latest news including the government hypocrisy when it comes to summer jobs in Canada the latest in radical feminism. At the g7 and the power corporation’s Paul desmMarais might have had a hand in funding Isis and Also mr dicks breaks down the toronto attack where a 25year old man ran down people in Toronto on Monday where ten people,e were killed and many others injured and my heart goes Out to the victims and their families  of this despicable act of terrorism

Tuesday, April 24, 2018

Alfie Evans the second baby to suffer at the hands of the uk’s medial tyranny and yet another reason the government needs to get the hell out of healthcare another example of medical tyranny in the uk this time with Alfie Evans a young boy who has some kind of neurological problems and all his parents wanted to do was just get him some treatment but the establishment medical elite bureuacrats have basically said to his poor mum and dad that he has to die and so far he has lived several hours without being on the machines remarkably but yet this shows yet again the left and the globalist hatred for humanity they get up in arms over a school shooting to go after law baiting gunonwers to attack the second amendment
It they are prefectly ok with killing babies who are sick outside the womb just as they are killing them inside the womb it is truly despicable and pure evil  even drs in the uk are speaking out against this vile disregard for human rights and dignity it is high time we kick the state out of our healthcare system for good update: Alfie Evans died yesterday despite living for 5 days after being taken off the ventilator my heart goes out to his mum and dad and his family though his life was not long he was a light in this world and also a reminder of why yet again the state must never be allowed in healthcare

Sunday, April 22, 2018

More proof that the radical environmentalists and the climate left in general are insane professor in Michigan want people to have sex and talk erotically with PLANTS!!!! more proof that the man made climate change fraud is a cult this lunatic professor in Michigan wrote about talking to plants erotically and how humanity should roll on the ground and do other bizarre things because the planet needs love. Here are a couple highlights from the Breitbart article :”Originally highlighted by the Twitter account New Real Peer Review, Ensor’s journal article explores the field of “ecosexuality,” a term which means the sexual relationship between humans and plants. Advocates in the field argue that the Earth needs to be treated with love. In addition to reducing harmful environmental practices, ecosexuals believe that humans should physically make love to the Earth.
Ensor, an English professor at the University of Michigan, begins by citing the “Ecosex Manifesto,” which was penned by UC Santa Cruz Professor Elizabeth Stephens. Breitbart News originally reported on Stephens and her “ecosex” movement in September. Then, Stephens was promoting her documentary in which she and others lick trees, roll around in mud, and engage in sexual acts with elements of nature.
Ensor begins her article by citing Stephens’ manifesto. “[Ecosexuals] make love with the earth… We shamelessly hug trees, massage the earth with our feet, and talk erotically to plants,” Stephens wrote.
Now, Professor Ensor is carrying on the nonsensical tradition started by Stephens. In her journal article, she argues that environmental spaces must welcome queer and “polymorphous” sexual identities. According to Sigmund Freud, “polymorphous sexuality” refers to the ability to receive sexual gratification from activities that aren’t traditionally considered to be sexual.” It is official folks radical environmental leftism is a mental disorder no wonder our education system is so bad with crap like this 

Thursday, April 12, 2018

Syrian gas attacks reinvigorate the deep state neocons thirst for war news roundup

A few days ago there chemical attacks in Syria and despite not knowing who did it this didn’t stop the neocons wanting to justify bombing the, again video here is with Infowars founder Alex jones and a caller talking about how the pipelines are all part of this middle eastern mess and the interests involved David knight interviews lee strnahan to discuss the suspicious attacks that look like a false flag and breaks down yet again how the US  and other deep state operatives armed and funded the jihadists over there in Syria that were killing all the christians and etc..

Regardless the world does not need any more war let the Middle East deal with their own stuff but we shall see and hope if cooler heads do prevail and I hope for the worlds sake they do prevail really good piece here regarding this situation

BREAKING US AIR STRIKING SYRIA shit got real folks this is not good the neocons you will pay for this good article by Kurt Nimmo of breaking down this questionable decision by the current administration when there is no proof Assad gassed his own but wars have started on less as I said
before neocons never ever learn their  lessons and this is a prime example they are not satisfied until they get what they want no matter the cost of lives Owen Shroyer of breaking down the Syria situation and how now the democrats, the deep state and the military industrial complex played a role in what we saw in Syria with the us uk and France striking them it is very good and worth the watch

Thursday, April 5, 2018

Leftist radical environmentalists now want to tax our hamburgers the left is no longer satisfied with taxing us for breathing out CO2 which is plant food but their ignorance demonizes it as pollution now they want to tax our beef in order yet again to control what we can and cannot eat and force vegetarianism down our throats and to fight bad weather which we have no control over despite the fact Canada has good standards when it comes to raising beef so this also attacks our farmers who are already under assault from these leftists elite mr Taylor of the financial post did a great job exposing this and some of the highlights include:”And it’s not just pundits. A report released last December by the British-based investment advisory group FAIRR said, “It is highly probable that over the medium to long term some form of taxation on meat products will be implemented,” and drew comparisons between a possible beef tax and decades of tobacco taxation. A French academic study published this year recommends a 41-per-cent tax on beef specifically to fight climate change. An article from Canada’s EcoFiscal Commission similarly suggested that tax on beef 40 or 50 cent per kilogram. “Making the price of beef reflect its environmental cost is sensible ecofiscal policy,” it reports.

My note:And not to mention how this is going to hurt the poor in the long run:” global green tax on food presents a horrifying moral dilemma. It also threatens to undo much of the world’s remarkable climb out of poverty and hunger in recent decades. Between 1990 and 2009, per capita world consumption of meat rose by 25 per cent, with much of that increase coming in developing countries where residents were able to add animal protein to their diet thanks to rising income. Choking off their access to meat through tax hikes would cruelly deny these people and their families the ability to improve their own health and lives, and seems like the worst kind of Western environmental colonialism. (Claims from meat-tax advocates that everyone can simply eat bugs for protein is just crass — and gross). “

My note:But you know none of these facts matter to the left as long as they can power grab based on lies and deception they won’t care how their ant human policies hurt real people 

Sunday, April 1, 2018

News round up: Alex Jones son challenges establishment anti gun teenager David Hogg to a debate, David Hogg brags about malaria killing poor Africans and Marc Morano on how the climate establishment is similar to the anti gun lunatics Rex jones the son of the founder of challengers David Hogg the poster child wanting to take guns away from law abiding Americans who own guns in a great video exposing their lies as well and in true fashion we see mr Hogg’s true colours when in a reddit post in 2017 demonstrates how yet again how anti human the left is when he bragged about malaria killing poor Africans so it is the same old thing they pretend to care about kids but in reality they don’t Marc Morano of breaking down how the antigun grabbers use similar tactics to brainwash kids on both issues just showing yet again why education system is a failure