Monday, August 29, 2016

NPR promoting carbon taxes on our kids


The eco-fascist anti-human/freedom hating trash at NPR is at it again promoting carbon taxes on your kids which is basically chinese style one child policies that these filth want to impose on humanity. CO2 is not pollution it is life just like humans are not pollution either but this is eugenics at its finest and they are really showing how much they despise humanity and freedom.

All human lives matter regardless of colour, race, ethnic, disability or not, lgbt or not etc.. and we must protect life at all costs.  NPR just like Planned Parenthood should be defunded for promoting junk science and propaganda by pushing the myth of overpopulation

And there are great books out there like Robert Zubrin's Merchants of Despair that describe these sociopaths for who they are and Hillary's America by Dinesh D'Souza whose section alone on Margaret Sanger the racist eugenic founder of Planned Parenthood is worth the price of the book

"Without Life there is no liberty"