Friday, February 6, 2015

CNN a Airs creepy anti human psa
CNN aired a creepy anti human commercial featuring actress Julia Roberts as the voice of "Mother Nature" bragging ghost she " starved species" greater than you. Commercial ( it is posted in the article if you type the URL in your search engine because for some reason blogger wouldn't let me blue link it )is work of Conservation International an environmental organization that ca e under fire because of their ties to corporations such as BP, Cargill, Monsanto and She'll and were embarrassed when reporters pulled a prank on them posing as international arms dealers wanting to improve their "green profile" PSA part of groups nature speaking series featuring the likes of Kevin Spacey, Robert Redford and Harrison Ford. In the ad the voice of "Mother Nature" sets up as an adversarial to humanity:"I've been around for four and a half billion years, 22,500 times longer than you, I don't really need people. I've fed species greater than you and I have starved species greater than you"states Roberts has her voice gets more aggressive. "My oceans, my flowing streams, my forests, they can all take you or leave you" the PSA ended with " nature doesn't need people" The ad ran yesterday after Amanpor global affairs program. One wonders just who the hell they think the so called greater species I mean dinosaurs didn't paint the Sistine chapel, send man to moon, create the combustible engine and etc. shows incredible narcissism of the radical environmental movement

Pg 75 of the first global revolution that was written in the 1990s by the Eco fascist Club of Rome outlined how they would use humans as an enemy in order to con the public into accepting a tyrannical world government:"In searching for a common enemy against whom we can unite, we came up with the idea of pollution, the threat of global warming, water shortages, famine and the like would fit the bill... All these dangers are caused by human intervention... The real enemy then is humanity itself" In 2010, Eco fadcisr group 10:10 had to apologize when a video they published showed kids who refused to reduce their so called carbon footprints were executed (video in article) it was funded by taxpayers through government bodies. The anti human aspects of this movement are nauseating and ther are numerous examples but he article highlighted some including when Finnish radical environmentalist Linkola called for "climate change deniers" to be put in gulags while the rest of humanity would either be killed or enslaved by the Eco fascist green police state. Ken Farnish who wrote a book calling for the blowing up of dams and cities and throwing us back into the Stone Age and Black Plague and was endorsed by James Hansen himself

This is why we need to continue to expose this co2 myth for what it is and the sinister agendas behind it