Thursday, October 30, 2014

Study:Global one child policy not enough for so called sustainability

A team of environmental "scientists" have published a new study in. U.S government linked journal claiming that Communist China's one child policy will not save the world from "overpopulation" According tomAustralian researchers even with massive reductions in population via war would not be enough to save Earth from humans. To deal with their "crisis" the authors propose encouraging- more like brainwashing and coercion- women into having less babies while rationing resources for humans who escape the population control regime. Thankfully for us, the fringe movement of population controllers who are really eugenicists lurking behind this bogus study and have made ridiculous claims since the days of Malthus in the 1700s have been proven to be wrong on every level possible. Indeed the latest editor of this paper is no other than Paul Ehrlich himself, an Eco fascist nutcase and crackpot for eugenics is widely ridiculed for good reasons. Despite him and his fellow merry band wagoners he has been an advocate of barbaric draconian population controls to stave off this non existent fake crisis. The paper entitled "Human population reduction is not quick fix for environmental problems" examines various scenarios and potential "interventions" surrounding human population numbers- including mass death and drastically reducing birth rates. It's conclusions:" no matter what population controllers do to slash populations, there will still be too many people" so of course you have to control the global economy: "even one child policies imposed worldwide and catastrophic mortality events would still likely result in 5-10 billion by 2100" the summary assumes that 5-10 billion is too much. "Because this demographic momentum, there are no easy ways to change the broad trends of human population size this century" Badically these authors are arguing that population growth "is rapidly eroding Earth's life support system" as they claim there are "frequent calls" to address the issue by calling for steeper declines in newer humans being allowed to exist and it goes on with this doomsday bullshit  illustrated by their claims that even killing 2 billion over 5 yrs. would leave 8.5 billion and of course targets Africa and Asian countries and etc.. This "study" was published on Oct. 27 on the heels of  the Obama administration and the UN population control freaks coming out of the woodwork. For example Obama's ebola czarist in 2008 said that " growing population" in Africa of course  was a "leadership issue" not tyranny, genocide, poverty, disease and etc.. But the number of people and we cannot forget John Holdren, who is. Obama's "science" czarist proposed in the past for things like forced ablutions and forced sterilizations through these water supply via a "planetary regime" with a "global police force" but again these preachers have been discredited Meanwhile the UN has unveiled a plot to further slash populations in Africa with a report calling for global abortion and demand more population control and ,measures to promote so called sustainability
radical-abortion-agenda which involves central power controlling humanity, the environment and resources and the UN has been at the forefront for pushing to reduce human population in recent years the UN's population control agency, UNFPA, was exposed for unlawfully using American taxpayer dollars to help the communist Chinese enforce its own brutal genocidal one child policy through forced abortions and sterilizations. The latest call to reduce population like so many others are based on false assumptions and premises. The 800 lb  gorilla is the lack of understanding of economics 101 for example if a non renewable resource was becoming scarce, the laws of supply and de,and would jack up the price and that would lead to increased reliance on substitutes as consumers reduced the quantity they demand. If a a no good substitute exists, higher and higher prices for dwindling recourse would d&r I've investment towards discovering or recovering previously used by recycling market forces that would be at work barring government would stay out. These "peak oil" people and the so called environmental scientists and ecologists never consider these things if rarely and perhaps they should be taught this when taking their courses. Ehrlich who worked at Stamford University has put out kooky forecasts sucks as the article shows from the UK being a small group of impoverished islands by the year 2000 back in 1971 to when he, his wife Ann and Holdren wrote their cookbook for genocide Ec-science back in 1977 and was part of the global cooling fraud
The authors of this study Professors Corey Bradshaw and Barry Broom at the university of Adelaide in Australia are merely continuing this totally discredited fraud of "overpopulation" being a threat to "Mother Earth" shows  what a death cult this is and despite no warming for 18 years, record sea ice and failure of UN computer models involved in promoting the man made climate change myth and the hysteria along with the myth and this is a favourite tool of these sick people. In reality we face too few people giving our rapidly aging populations and experts have warned what too few births will do and not what Ehrlich and his merry followers imagine. Human numbers are expected to decline based on current trends and the current population could live on a land mass the size do the state of Texas(not saying move there) with each family having a home and a yard and the world produces more food to sustain mankind the reasons for hunger are tyranny and corrupt and oppressive government not lack of resources. Though theses pseudo scientist criminals and crackpot Malthusians have been discredited they have a great deal of powd in government and international organizations across the world considering their horrifying proposals and embarrassing track record these people should be kicked out and fired from their jobs as their genocidal policies have caused untold human rights abuses and suffering and the endless butchery of women in places like China

Sunday, October 26, 2014

Canadian authorities ran war games drills depicting ISIS attack scenario

Joshua Blakeney has pointed out to Adrienne Arsenault of the CBC reported on October 23rd (which was Thursday) in the weeks leading up to the two so called "terror" incidents that took place this week in Quebec and Ottawa Canadian authorities had been running war game excercises depicting such attacks(video in article and clip starts at 1:52 but I will give you a transcript right here) According to Arsenault: "They [Canadian authorities] may have been surprised by the actual incidents but not by the concept of them. Within the last month we know that CSIS, the RCMP and the National Sexurity Task Force ran a scenario that's akin to a war games excercise if you will where they actually imagined literally an attack in Quebec followed by an attack in another city followed by a tip that 'hey some foreign fighters are coming back from Syria' so they were imagining a worst case scenario. We're seeing elements of that happening right now...[Canadian authorities] may talk today about being surprised that this precise scenario has been keeping them up at night for awhile"

That is one hell of an amazing coincidence that Canadian intelligence rana drill envisioning an attack first in Quebec, then another city. On Monday October 20, A man identified as Martin Rouleau supposedly ran over two Canadian solider so with his car in a mall parking lot in the city of Saint-Jean-Sur-Richeleau in Quebec. And Wednesday of this past week where one solider was gunned down in Ottawa followed by a siege on the parliament itself. Authority and media claim both suspects were converts tomIslam who had become "radicalized". What are the chances that these mock terror drills are just a coincidence? In almost every major terror incident here in the West it has come out that intelligence services were conducting war games excercises kicking the very events that came to follow. On the day of the 7/7 bombings in London,UKBritish authorities ran drills depicting the exact attack scenario that transpired that day. On 9/11 US agencies were also running drills simulating hijacking a and now we have Canadian intelligence doing the same damn thing. It was also revealed and I reported it with the article on Gladio that these two suspects in the two incidents this week were being monitored by both US and Canadian intelligence for some time prior to these two incidents this week.

Thursday, October 23, 2014

Canada terror wave modern day gladio (disclaimer: this article shows the history of false flag terrorism and gives some food for thought and the media has already declared this to be an act of terrorism without evidence to show however regardless this will be used to erode civil liberties and justify bombing the Middle East and it is funny I had a strange feeling something was going to happen give all the ISIS war propaganda that was spewing over all the corporate press here in Canada and the reason I posted this is because the only people who benefit from something like this is the state only but I will keep you all posted if new information comes out)

As warned after multiple staged incidents used to ratchet fear and paranoia in the build up to the US and it's allies military intervention into Syria and Iraq at least 2 attacks have been carried out in Canada as predicted. The first attack as you are aware involved a deadly hit-and-run that left one Canadian solider dead. AP( Associated Press) would report in its article "Terrorist ideology blamed in Canada car attack" that: "A young convert to Islam who killed a Canadian solider in a hit-and-run had been on the radar of federal investigators, who feared he had jihadist ambitions and seized his passport when he tried to travel to Turkey, authorities said Tuesday" the second one which happened yesterday with the shooting in Ottawa which injured several and killed a second Canadian solider. RT( Russia Today) in its article "Ottawa gunmen 'identified' as recent Muslim convert "high risk traveller" would report that: " While the name of the gunman is yet to be announced, a number of officials told numerous media that the shooter is believed to be Michael Zehaf-Bineau,  recent Muslim convert, allegedly designated as a high risk traveller. Michael Zehaf Bineau was born in Quebec as Michael Joesph Hall north of Montreal, two US officials told Reuters claiming that American law enforcement agencies have been advised that the attacker recently converted to Islam AP sources also identified the man to be Zehaf-Bineau. A twitter account associated with the. Islamic State militants tweeted a photo they identified as the Ottawa shooter. The Globe and Mail reports the shooter was designated a "high risk traveller" by Canadian Authorities with his passport seized" It is clear that both suspects were under watch from not only Canadian authorities but a also by the US investigators way before these attacks took place!

Canada"s Attacks were predictable-Western Agencies Prime Suspects: It was warned last month after security agencies staged scares in both the US and Australia that suspects under investigation, being walked through planned terrorist attacks part of "sting operations" would be in invetiably be switched to live terrorist attacks. In mid-September, a Rochester ,an, Mufid A. Elfgeeh was accused by the FBI of attempting to provide material support to ISIS(undercover FBI agents) attempting to kill US soldiers and possession of firearms and silencers(provided to him by the FBI). The FBI's own press release stated:"According to court records, Elfgeeh attempted to provide material support to ISIS in the form of personnel, namely three individuals, two of who, were cooperating with the FBI. Elfgheeh attempted to assist all three individuals in travelling to Syria to join and fight on behalf of ISIS. Elfgeeh also plotted to shoot and kill members of the United States military who had returned from Iraq as part of the plan to kill soldiers, Elfgeeh purchased two handguns equipped with firearms silencers and ammunition from a confidential source. The handguns were made inoperable by the FBI before the confidential source gave them to Elfgeeh." It was warned that only an inoperable firearm stood between Elfgeeh's arrest and his successful execution of deadly plans hatched by him and his undercover FBI handlers. This is the script, written by the FBI to entrap Elfgeeh, would be followed to the near letter I. The live attacks that were carried out here in Canada resulting in the deaths of two canadian soldiers. Both suspects are dead an there is little chance that remains of ascertains of the truth of who they were in contact with and how they carried out theses awful atrocities. With. Oth suspects being.watched byUS and Canadian authorities it seems plausible that there were undercover agents that were involved in either one or both of the cases. While many other possibilities exist, I myself would put the Western security agents at the top of the suspect list as potential collaborators

Modern Day Gladio-Inducing fear, obedience and control: Before Eldgeeh's arrest and later live attacks in Canada, US policymakers and pundits had already begun their ramping up of eventual staged events. With the serial be headings failing to raise Western public support for justification of carpet bombing Syria. Setting the stage, A CBS/ Associated Press story titled: "Former Deputy CIA Director: 'I would not be surprised' if ISIS member shows up at US mall tomorrow with AK-47' would claim after the initial  James Foley ISIS execution video that: " The short term concern is that Americans that have gone to fight with ISIS and the West Eurpeans that have gone to fight with ISIS could be trained and directed by ISIS to come to the United States to conduct small scale attacks" Morell stated. " If an ISIS member showed up at a mall in the United States with an AK-47 and killed  a number of Americans, Imwould not be surprised. Morell warned that over the long term the extremist group could be planning for a 9/11 style attack that thousands of Americans" The FBI has a long history of foiled terror plots of their own creation. More disturbing are plots they concieved but "accidentally" allowed to "go live" one knight recall the 1993 World Trade Center bombing where FBI agents according to the NY times, were indeed overseeing the bombers that detonated a device that killed 6 and wounded many more at the WTC and the article goes on to show the NY times report exposing how the FBI oversaw the construction and deployment of the bomb hat took six lives that the FBI can create or design incomptence or turn on their entrapment cases into an actual attack one ca only guess how many similar FBI operations are taking place involving ISIS sympathizes-anyone ca turn into a live attack just like 1993 and it is likely these attacks in Canada probably had an "informant" working for the FBI and etc.. Anything from mass shootings to Operation Northwoods style false flags involving aircraft could give the Wall st. And London financier oligarchs the support they need to regime change and reordering Syria and across the Iranian arc of the influence. Article links to the ABC news report talking about Operation Northwoods(and you can look up the documents online as well) Also remember NATO's operation Gladio and its larger " stay behind" networks established after WWII across Europe and at the center of multiple grisly assassinations, mass shootings and terrorist bombings designed to demonize the former Soviet Unjon as well as criminalize and crush support for left leaning political parties growing in popularity in Westen Europe. It would be determined that NATO's own covert militants were killing innocent Western Europeans in order to effect a "strategy of tension" used to instil fear, obedience and control over Western populations. That the FBI and Australian authorities had coordinated staged security operations in tandem on opposite ends of the globe to terrify the hell out of populations into line behind and impending war with Syria and now we have two suspicious attacks using the same goddamn script Western Security agencies were using kt lead suspects through "sting operations" suggests "Operation Northwoods" or "Operation Gladio" of sorts being executed. Staged executions on cue from CIA-British-Israeli intelligence with funding from Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Turkey, Kuwait created ISIS in the Middle East of American and British citizens is perfectly timed by the West to try and sell intervention at home and abroad now with live shootings in time to bring  a "strategy of tension" reek of staged mayhem for provoking wat. Could there be more of this? Well you if you read the ABC report on Operation Northwoods and watch the Military Channel's documentary on Gladio (which is linked in the article and there is a video of it) There is no damn line the West is not willing to cross and given the West trying to claim ISIS has a "global reach" The US and Co. attempts to obfuscate the clear state run sponorship it is getting is proven to be difficult and the FBI on record creating patsies who could be given weapons and sent on shooting and bombing sprees clearly shows that the real enemies to Canada, Australia, The United States and Australia are not in Syria but right here at home at the hands of Western power and these incidents in Canada will no doubt also be used to further erode our rights and be used to push for more gun control which we all know doesn't work and only goes after law abiding responsible gun owners

Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Canadian PM draws fire for drinking wine during Ottawa shooting

(First of all my thoughts and prayers go out to the victims of today's shooting in Ottawa today)

Canadian prime minister Stephen Harper is taking heat for reportedly drinking on the job during a briefing on the Ottawa shooting which is not behaviour typical from a head of state during a crisis and there is a photo that shows this in the article with a glass of wine.

While others might not think this is a big deal, it is because this is not behaviour of a leader of a country during a mass shooting and adds further scrutiny to the Canadian government's response to the shooting at the Parliment which took the life of a Canadian solider also the RCMP told the public to not share any photos or videos relating to the shooting raising concerns that officials were trying to clamp down on the details of the shooting available to the press "Members of the public are asked not to post videos or photos of the on going incident to ensure the safety of the first responders and the public " the RCMP said via twitter

But considering that videos and photos shot by the public during the Ferguson, Mo protests exposed government wrongdoing and the fact that the press uses social media as a source of news it is not a stretch to suggest that the RCMP were trying to creat e a media blackout also cops pointed guns at journalists not long after the shooting
" Police have locked down Parliment of Ottawa and Ottawa Police tactical officers have arrived pointing guns at journalists and ordering them to the ground" the Globe and Mail's  Josh Wingrove reported. "Journalists were put into lockdown in the foyer of the House of Commona" Also checkpoints have been set up on  Ottawa bridges and now drivers Fe subject to mandatory vehicle searches

Madsen:Ebola Epidemic linked to CIA

Investigative journalist and former NSA contractor Wayne Madsen told Press TV on Monday that the latest ebola epidemic in Africa may be a resurfacing of an earlier infection linked to the CIA

"We see a year [1976] when the US was violating a senate law that forbid the US from engaging in the Angolan civil war and we saw Zaire being used as a bait for the CIA and then we saw the outbreak of ebola in Zaire. The same year George H.W. Bush was the director of the CIA" Madsen said

"In 1980 we saw the outbreak of HIV in Zaire and Angola where the CIA was operating" he said and continues here: I think what we need is an investigation of how intense the CIA biological warfare program was in Zaire and Angola between 1976 and 1980, and what has it Sierra Leone and other countries is the Zaire strain of ebola"  Madsen also said that the militarization of the U.S. Ebola effort in West Africa is suspicious. "It's very peculiar that the US is sending the military in when obviously health workers, doctors, and other health care professionals are needed" he said CIA and U.S. ,I litany involvement in the use of biological pathogens as weapons is well documented in the 1970s, evidence was revealed by the. Church Committee. " Although such military research was highly classified by 1975 concerns over revelations of myriad intelligence abuses led to a comphrenaive investigation by the U.S Senate's Church Committe, which published a CIA memorandum listing the deadly chemical agents and toxins then stockpiled at Fort Detrick included anthrax, encephalitis, tuberculosis,lethal snake venom, shellfish toxin and half a dozen  lethal food poisons, some of which, the committee
Earned had been shipped in the early 1960s to Congo and to Cuba in unsuccessful attempts to assassinate Patrice Lumumba and Fidel Castro" Ellen Ray and William H Schaap write in Bioterror manufacturing wars the American Way. Citing the Tuskegee syphilis experiment and the 1978 hepatitis B&b experiment as a precedent, researchers also believe the CIA is behind the AIDS epidemic in West- Central Africa. Many prominent Africans including former president of South Africa Thabo Mbeki and Wangani Mathai, a Nobel Peace Prize winner believe the CIA is responsible. In the 1980s, JohnStockwell, a former CIA paramilitary intelligence case officer stationed in Angola, said there is circumstantial evidence that the CIA was involved in spreading the deadly virus. Stockwell suggested that the origins of AIDS may be linked to small pox inoculation by the WHO( World Health Organization) and that the disease was used intentionally by the agency to target gay men and iv drug users.

MY take: If this is correct and the WHO abused the small pox vaccine to inject AIDS into unsuspecting gay men and iv drug users then they should be held accountable and tried for genocide and the body of evidence with the church committee in regards to the CIA and bio weapons illustrates just how these criminal elements within this organization are clearly sociopathic and have no regard for human life. Now this is not to say that I don't support vaccines I do since there are illnesses like polio  that do need vaccinations but  abusing something that is supposed to save people is spine chilling and makes me sick since I had an uncle die from the horrificness of AIDS.