(Note: This story broke on Infowars.com on Friday so you know)
Glenn Beck, who fashioned himself as a libertarian, was exposed as working with the establishment corporate media insiders and a former CIA employee who flaunts his membership in the globalist Council on Foreign Relations. The objective of this group with Glenn Beck, now after the Bundy standoff, is to portray the Nevada rancher as a "racist" zealot, a member of a dangerous and outlaw sovereign citizen movement, and inseparable from violent and conspiracy crazed "militia" domestic terrorists. Beck's campaign is similar to puppet Obama's administration, Eric Holder's Department of Justice and liberal media intelligentsia.
Beck and his minions are exploiting this carefully crafted script in the years after the Oklahoma City Bombing by the Southern Poverty Law Center with the Department of Homeland Security and the establishment media. They are using the government created and SPLC nonsense to create divide and conquer within the patriot movement to crush it and also create a false flag event that will serve as the icing on the cake that will destroy this movement
The relation between the Obama administration and the Justice Department and Beck became clear as the Bundy ranch standoff progressed and most notably when Beck got caught using government talking points to attack Bundy and his supporters
Back on April 13th when the Bundy Standoff was in full swing, Beckett Adams, who is a writer at the Blaze which is run by Beck, openly echoed the government narrative. He tried to disprove the fact that Senator Harry Reid was connected to the Chinese energy firm and plans to build a solar plant on public land an effort that was exposed by infowars.com reporter Kit Daniels and the story went viral was you know.
Beck and Adams also cited the debunked claim that the federal government owns and manages "public land" in Nevada (which violates the Constitution) and insisted that Bundy was breaking the law. This claim falls right in line with the feds and the establishment corporate media and their propaganda
Adams also supported the claim being pushed by the government and the establishment media that Bundy's cattle grazing endangered a tortoise(a fact which infowars.com reporter Adan Salazar demonstrated the tortoise benefited from the grazing http://www.infowars.com/report-desert-tortoise-greatly-benefits-from-bundys-cattle-gra...)
Finally Adams tried to argue that the Bundy family was a threat to the heavily armed BLM agents as they cited the Ruby Ridge and Waco incidents like millions of ranchers, farmers and other rural Americans, keep and use firearms. Adams' commentary is almost similar to the crap put out by the Democrats(and to a lesser degree the Republicans including the Koch Brothers) and the establishment media. In fact, the establishment media ignored the story until it went viral in the alternative press and they were required to go into damage control.
On his radio show, Beck accused Infowars.com and Prisonplanet.com founder and radio host Alex Jones and Infowars of exploiting the Bundy affair as some way to launch a violent revolution. "Quite honestly, some of the people from... uh, what's that stupid website's name?Infowars"-Beck said
"Because these guys were so deeply embedded with the Bundys, we thought there's something wrong.. if you don't see these guys a mile away, that's a red flag and it's not a false flag(laughter). These guys are dangerous. They are always looking for revolution, they're always looking for a fight, and keep those guys a million miles away. Anybody with any spiritual radar can see that one coming"
Beck's accusations appeared after Senator Harry Reid made similar disgusting remarks characterizing Bundy and his supporters as "domestic terrorists" and in addition, Reid called for "united front" against Bundy, a call similar to Beck's remark that Americans should reject Bundy's stand against the federal government and should distance themselves from his supporters who Beck slandered as crazed followers of Alex Jones.
Finally sounding like a spokesperson for FEMA and the government, Beck advocated non-resistance to government tyranny during a stand off.
"This morning I got up and I saw some more news reports, and more people in America that are now standing up and crying for revolution, insurrection, arming yourself, and a call to arms- Beck said on his radio program on April 15. "I will tell you I believe in the Second Amendment, I will defend myself. I believe in the rights that we have. But I will tell you more than I believe in my rights, I believe in the responsibilities that we have to God. And God does not call anyone to anger. God does not call anyone to vengeance ever, ever, ever."
It is clear Beck's group of minions are not only linked to the establishment media and its endless false left-right nonsense it pushes but to the intelligence community here is a list that proves it:
Buck Sexton: A Blazetv host, Sexton is Beck's direct link to the CIA and CFR. His Linkedin profile states he worked for the agency in 2005 until 2010. He also spent some time with the CFR, the premier globalist organization and operating as the shadow government, and even globalist minion Hilary Clinton revealed this fact
Betsy Morgan: According to LinkedIn, she is the president of The Blaze and has a background in serving the corporate media, from CEO of AOL's Huffington Post to Senior Vice President of CBS interactive. She has an MBA from Harvard Business School
S.E. Cupp: She is one The Blaze's program hosts. She has a huge background in establishment media circles including the NY Times, MSNBC(where she was a talk show co-host) CNN, Fox News and the NY Daily News. She described herself as a "mainstream [establishment] conservative" Cupp has gone after Ron Paul's foreign policy and his views on the Federal Reserve
Laurie Dhue: She hosts the Blaze's For the Record and is the channel's primary news anchor. She also has a background in the establishment media. Dhue was a Fox News anchor and also worked at MSNBC, a fact showing how effortless the crossover between the so called conservatives and liberals circles within the establishment
Lastly, Dana Loesch: Another Blaze media host demonstrating once again the links between the corporate and fake alternative media. Loesch has appeared as a political commentator on Fox News, CNN, ABC and HBO. She left the St. Louis Tea Party after failing to get the organization an establishment minion candidate during a congressional race. In December, 2012 she sued Brietbart.com, claiming she endured a hostile working environment
SO all in all, the pedigree of Beck's circle is clearly not of the libertarian view and does not believe in the United States Constitution and Bill of Rights. It is accurate to say that Beck is nothing more than a mouthpiece for the establishment to sabotage patriotic Americans who believe the Bundy standoff and the armed and menacing reaction by the federal government represent this false danger. It is worth drawing a line in the sand in response to Beck's former colleague at Fox News, Andrew P. Napolitano rightly said
This is truly not surprising since the Souther Poverty Law Center also demonized any one who was against UN Agenda 21 like the Rosa Koire led Democrats Against UN Agenda 21 and Post Sustainability Institute as "extremists" the 2nd year in a row http://www.democratsagainstunagenda21.com/1/post/2014/04/gathering-the-shreds-of...
And this could be used as well to launch another false flag as mentioned which would be blamed on patriotic law abiding citizens and that would further the launch the globalist goal of a one world tyrannical government