Sunday, April 27, 2014

Glenn Beck colludes with CFR and CIA to take down patriot movement

(Note: This story broke on on Friday so you know)

Glenn Beck, who fashioned himself as a libertarian, was exposed as working with the establishment corporate media insiders and a former CIA employee who flaunts his membership in the globalist Council on Foreign Relations. The objective of this group with Glenn Beck, now after the Bundy standoff, is to portray the Nevada rancher as a "racist" zealot, a member of a dangerous and outlaw sovereign citizen movement, and inseparable from violent and conspiracy crazed "militia" domestic terrorists. Beck's campaign is similar to puppet Obama's administration, Eric Holder's Department of Justice and liberal media intelligentsia.

Beck and his minions are exploiting this carefully crafted script in the years after the Oklahoma City Bombing by the Southern Poverty Law Center with the Department of Homeland Security and the establishment media. They are using the government created and SPLC nonsense to create divide and conquer within the patriot movement to crush it and also create a false flag event that will serve as the icing on the cake that will destroy this movement

The relation between the Obama administration and the Justice Department and Beck became clear as the Bundy ranch standoff progressed and most notably when Beck got caught using government talking points to attack Bundy and his supporters

Back on April 13th when the Bundy Standoff was in full swing, Beckett Adams, who is a writer at the Blaze which is run by Beck, openly echoed the government narrative. He tried to disprove the fact that Senator Harry Reid was connected to the Chinese energy firm and plans to build a solar plant on public land an effort that was exposed by reporter Kit Daniels and the story went viral was you know.

Beck and Adams also cited the debunked claim that the federal government owns and manages "public land" in Nevada (which violates the Constitution) and insisted that Bundy was breaking the law. This claim falls right in line with the feds and the establishment corporate media and their propaganda

Adams also supported the claim being pushed by the government and the establishment media that Bundy's cattle grazing endangered a tortoise(a fact which reporter Adan Salazar demonstrated the tortoise benefited from the grazing

Finally Adams tried to argue that the Bundy family was a threat to the heavily armed BLM agents as they cited the Ruby Ridge and Waco incidents like millions of ranchers, farmers and other rural Americans, keep and use firearms. Adams' commentary is almost similar to the crap put out by the Democrats(and to a lesser degree the Republicans including the Koch Brothers) and the establishment media. In fact, the establishment media ignored the story until it went viral in the alternative press and they were required to go into damage control.

On his radio show, Beck accused and  founder and radio host Alex Jones and Infowars of exploiting the Bundy affair as some way to launch a violent revolution. "Quite honestly, some of the people from... uh, what's that stupid website's name?Infowars"-Beck said

"Because these guys were so deeply embedded with the Bundys, we thought there's something wrong.. if you don't see these guys a mile away, that's a red flag and it's not a false flag(laughter). These guys are dangerous. They are always looking for revolution, they're always looking for a fight, and keep those guys a million miles away. Anybody with any spiritual radar can see that one coming"

Beck's accusations appeared after Senator Harry Reid made similar disgusting remarks characterizing Bundy and his supporters as "domestic terrorists" and in addition, Reid called for "united front" against Bundy, a call similar to Beck's remark that Americans should reject Bundy's stand against the federal government and should distance themselves from his supporters who Beck slandered as crazed followers of Alex Jones.

Finally sounding like a spokesperson for FEMA and the government, Beck advocated non-resistance to government tyranny during a stand off.

"This morning I got up and I saw some more news reports, and more people in America that are now standing up and crying for revolution, insurrection, arming yourself, and a call to arms- Beck said on his radio program on April 15. "I will tell you I believe in the Second Amendment, I will defend myself. I believe in the rights that we have. But I will tell you more than I believe in my rights, I believe in the responsibilities that we have to God. And God does not call anyone to anger. God does not call anyone to vengeance ever, ever, ever."

It is clear Beck's group of minions are not only linked to the establishment media and its endless false left-right nonsense it pushes but to the intelligence community here is a list that proves it:

Buck Sexton: A Blazetv host, Sexton is Beck's direct link to the CIA and CFR. His Linkedin profile states he worked for the agency in 2005 until 2010. He also spent some time with the CFR, the premier globalist organization and operating as the shadow government, and even globalist minion Hilary Clinton revealed this fact

Betsy Morgan: According to LinkedIn, she is the president of The Blaze and has a background in serving the corporate media, from CEO of AOL's Huffington Post to Senior Vice President of CBS interactive. She has an MBA from Harvard Business School

S.E. Cupp: She is one The Blaze's program hosts. She has a huge background in establishment media circles including the NY Times, MSNBC(where she was a talk show co-host) CNN, Fox News and the NY Daily News. She described herself as a "mainstream [establishment] conservative" Cupp has gone after Ron Paul's foreign policy and his views on the Federal Reserve

Laurie Dhue: She hosts the Blaze's For the Record and is the channel's primary news anchor. She also has a background in the establishment media. Dhue was a Fox News anchor and also worked at MSNBC, a fact showing how effortless the crossover between the so called conservatives and liberals circles within the establishment

Lastly, Dana Loesch: Another Blaze media host demonstrating once again the links between the corporate and fake alternative media. Loesch has appeared as a political commentator on Fox News, CNN, ABC and HBO. She left the St. Louis Tea Party after failing to get the organization an establishment minion candidate during a congressional race. In December, 2012 she sued, claiming she endured a hostile working environment

SO all in all, the pedigree of Beck's circle is clearly not of the libertarian view and does not believe in the United States Constitution and Bill of Rights. It is accurate to say that Beck is nothing more than a mouthpiece for the establishment to sabotage patriotic Americans who believe the Bundy standoff and the armed and menacing reaction by the federal government represent this false danger. It is worth drawing a line in the sand in response to Beck's former colleague at Fox News, Andrew P. Napolitano rightly said

This is truly not surprising since the Souther Poverty Law Center also demonized any one who was against UN Agenda 21 like the Rosa Koire led Democrats Against UN Agenda 21 and Post Sustainability Institute as "extremists" the 2nd year in a row

And this could be used as well to launch another false flag as mentioned which would be blamed on patriotic law abiding citizens and that would further the launch the globalist goal of a one world tyrannical government

Thursday, April 24, 2014

Vermont passes GMO labeling one step away from being law

The House Legislature in Vermont propelled to the governor's desk a bill that would make Vermont the first state to require labeling foods that contain genetically modified organisms(though Maine and Connecticut passed similar legislation) and was by a landslide of 114-30

Supporters of the bill was another step in a decade long effort they hope will sweep across the United States

"Our constituents have spoken. They feel it's important to know what's in their food"-House Agriculture Committee Chairwoman Carolyn Patridge (D-Windham) said

"I think this is the right thing to do whether we are being threatened with a lawsuit or not"-said Rep. Mike Mrowicki, D-Putney

Also Governor Peter Shumlin indicated he would sign the bill in the following statement on Wednesday:

"I am proud of Vermont for being the first state in the nation to ensure that Vermonters will know what is in their food. The Legislature has spoken loud and clear through its passage of this bill. I wholeheartedly agree with them and look forward to signing the bill into law"

As you know Monsanto threatened Vermont with a lawsuit if they did this( and even set up a fund of $1.5 million dollars for their defense against Monsanto and if they lose the costs would be $5-$8 million and Rep. Teo Zagar(D-Barnard) told the House members that the other changes the Senate made to the bill would help their legal case by saying "This bill has been re-engineered to be more resistant to legal challenge"

So this good news for the folks of Vermont, despite Monsanto's threats of suing them they listened to the people and got this legislation passed and now one step away from law and didn't let this lawsuit intimidate them from doing the right thing..

Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Earth Day: Nothing more than state run gaia worshipping death cult religion

Today is Earth Day, a chance for the eco-fascist tyrants and other narcissistic eco-types to feel good about themselves by disparaging their neighbors

There was time when environmental issues were brought to the forefront such as smog being above cities, lead was poisoning and making people sick and the agency that implemented these changes the EPA is now out of control and riddled with corruption and among that is the idea that carbon dioxide, which is one of the most important nutrients for plants is a pollutant which we all know is fraud

The tragedy of this day is the fact governments have spent all kinds of tax payer dollars on a non-problem on meaningless nonsense to reduce a nutrient in the atmosphere while billions are left to suffer in misery with poverty around the world

I think we can all agree things like recycling, proper forest stewardship, beach and river cleanups, having water with no diseases and toxic poisons in it, promoting other forms of energy are good environmental practices

But the thing the eco-tyrants refuse to discuss is the that deforestation is caused by the fact people are poor and therefore have to burn wood to cook their food and use as heat and that the best way to solve this is to let them develop their coal, gas and oil and of course they demonize coal when burning coal is much better than burning animal shit ot wood and coal is the moral choice and is on the rise in some parts of the world because of how life saving it is to the poor

Natural gas, another thing they demonize, has lowered emissions in the US if you care and even better would be to use uranium and thorium but mention nuclear power to the eco-fascists and they just foam at the mouth however another reason too is the leaks at Fukushima which were as a result of the earthquake and tsunami and the fact that the building was old I think it was around 50 years old or something like that but I think we can find a way to make this technology safe at some point

But it does not stop there take the Golden Rice issue, Patrick Moore formerly of Greenpeace who left because they were becoming anti-science and anti-human, is fighting for this rice that could save children in places like Asia and Africa but it is being attacked by Greenpeace.

The idea behind golden rice is is it is engineered to produce Vitamin A. This is important because Vitamin A deficiency is responsible for 500,000 irreversible blindness and 2 million deaths a year. Most vulnerable are Pregnant women and kids in poor countries. Across the globe, pregnant women and 190 million children suffer from this. Dietary supplementation of vitamin A through this rice can be eliminated but it is denounced as evil by the eco-fascists calling it "frankenfood" while millions die

Hell even Pope Francis gave his blessing on Golden Rice. Still they don't trust the science and anything that is created by man. On nuclear energy, Moore has reveresed himself on that and the fraud that is man made climate change pales to the needs of the poor of this world

So hats off to the eco-fascists: demonizing a nutrient for plants, blocking fracking, forcing developed nations to create biofuel which has done nothing but drive up food prices in poor countries where there have been food riots in places like Haiti for example, They demonize a life saving rice that could save millions of people. It is them, not the CO2 fraud they push, that pose the greatest threat to the world

If you really care about your fellow man, take a pause and think about the state of the world on Earth Day. Most of the stuff you will see is pure bullshit and The truth is there is no room for humanity because the radical greens and radical environmental activists are so anti-human because of their death cult worship of nature, they have no compassion at all for humanity

It is time we get rid of this day and reclaim it as Earth People's Day

Thursday, April 17, 2014

Federal Judge: BLM engaged in criminal conspiracy against ranchers, CIA working on Proxy war against Russia in Ukraine

For well over 20 years, the Bureau of Land Management engaged in a "literal intentional conspiracy" against Nevada ranchers to force them out of business, according to a federal judge whose court opinion exposes what the BLM's true intent was against rancher Cliven Bundy

In his opinion of United States V. Estate of Hage, U.S. District Court Judge Robert C. Jones reveals that after late Nevada rancher E. Wayne Hage indicated on his 1993 grazing permit renewals that by signing the permit, he was not giving up his family's long standing water and forage rights on the land, the BLM not only rejected the permit but conspired for DECADES to both deny his family's property rights and to destroy their cattle business

"Based upon E. Wayne Hage's declaration that he refused to waive his rights-a declaration that did not purport change the substance of the grazing renewal permit for which he was applying, and which had no plausible legal effect other than to superfluously assert non-waiver rights-the Government denied him a renewal grazing permit based upon its frankly non-sensical position that such assertion of rights meant that the application had not been properly completed"-Judge Jones wrote. "After the BLM denied his renewal grazing permit for this reason by letter, the Hages indicated that they would take the issue to court, and they sued the Government in the CFC [Court of Federal Claims]"

And the article shows how in 2007 given their dissatisfaction in the CFC, the Government brought  fraudulent criminal trespass action against Hage and the Estate and the Government did not bring any sort of criminal misdemeanor trespass claims because as Jones wrote there was no burden of proof and the article has the excerpt showing this statement

SO basically the BLM willfully destroyed the Hage family's livelihood because Hage stood up for his rights and now they are doing the same thing with Cliven Bundy

As William Jasper of the New American wrote: "Has Attorney General Eric Holder prosecuted any federal officials for criminal activity and violation of the Hage family's constitutionally protected rights? No. Has Sen. Harry Reid denounced this lawlessness and criminal activity by government officials and call upon President Obama and Attorney Eric Holder to protect the citizens of his state from the depredations of federal officials under their command? No. With attitudes such as those expressed by Sen. Harry Reid, it is almost a certainty that the recently defused Bundy Ranch standoff will be replayed again-and in the not-too-distant future. And the outcome could be much less amicable for all concerned"
I hope nothing bad happens this time but history shows and if you study the events of Ruby Ridge and Waco and given Reid's callous disregard for his citizens in his state, it could be a repeat of those tragedies over again and that would be terrible for sure.

The real reason CIA boss John Brennan went to Kyiv on Sunday was not to talk about intelligence sharing as the corrupt establishment press has been reporting. This was a cover story from Rep. Mike ROgers, who is the out going chairman of the House Intelligence Committee. It is pure BS as this report will show you

Brennan went to Ukraine to work on the next phase of this crisis- which is a proxy war against Russia which is almost similar to the one in Afghanistan that defeated the Soviet Union

Of Course the CIA will deny this and lie through their skinny little teeth and they deny the made the trip to spur the coup and upward victory, which is dim at best given how pissed off Ukranians are about being ruled by ultra-nationalists and Right Sector brownshirts

Even Ukraine soldiers are not thrilled about attacking their fellow countrymen: they surrendered to unarmed activists in Donetsk and Sloviansk.

"The claim that Director Brennan encouraged Ukraine authorities to conduct tactical operations inside the Ukraine are completely false. Like other senior U.S. officials, Director Brennan strongly believes that a diplomatic solution is the only way to solve the crisis between Russia and Ukraine" said a CIA spokesperson in a statement

The Pentagon announced that they will provide the regime with "non-lethal aid" The Obama administration is clearly replaying the same game in Syria while encouraging behind the scenes Turkey, Saudi Arabia and Qatar to send in cash, arms and most importantly to the Al-Qaeda and Al-Nusra mercenaries willing to kill unarmed civilians and even Christian priests

John Glaser wrote: "The pull of getting involved in proxy wars is intoxicatingly strong for an obvious reason: proxies do all the work. Just provide surrogates cash and arms and voila! the devil ,as always , is in the details. Proxy wars are usually waged in secret and thus represent U.S. foreign policy that the American people(and most of the U.S. government itself) has no say in. They usually involve supporting unscrupulous groups of people that often end up committing serious crimes(although, it's by proxy so U.S. officials typically wiggle out of any responsibility"

The CIA's track record provides ample proof why Brennan travelled alone to Kyiv and rubbed elbows with the coup leaders/ Since their inception, the agency has subverted, undermined and masterminded direct overthrows of doznes of countries if you recall Operation Ajax back in the 1950's when they overthrew Mossadegh  (  wanted to nationalize Iran's oil fields and the British MI6 with the CIA got together and ousted him and put back in the Shah power

The Soviet Union fell for this with Afghanistan but will it fall for it with the Ukraine? the $6 billion Afghanistan operation which began in 1979, which was the largest CIA operation to date, was "designed to humiliate the Soviets by arming anyone who would fight against them. The agency funneled cash and weapons to over a dozen guerrilla groups, many of whom had been staging raids from Pakistan years before the Soviet invasion" writes Mark Zepezauer

This operation created terror cells and phantom terrorists who are still here with us today and used to push the manufactured fraud that is the war on terror which will continue forever as promised or until the United States runs out of money

Also given the CIA's penchant for supporting the most wicked, degenerate sociopaths on the planet, expect this proxy war brewing in the Ukraine to be nasty and brutal and I don't think Russia will sit back and twiddle their thumbs

Also leaflets ordering Jews to register in Donetsk are more likely part of the CIA's operation or one launched by real anti-Semites Kyiv(who are members of the Svoboda and Right Sector) This is a clear propaganda campaign designed to dovetail with John Kerry shaking hands with Lavrov in Geneva and it also gives one of the orchestrators of this coup Geoffrey Pyatt, who is the US Ambassador to the Ukraine(the CIA has used embassies as a way to stage these coups) and to make customized nonsense which will be plastering this nonsense all over CNN and the rest of the corporate establishment press

Even the Pro-Russians are calling these leaflets fakes as Jason Ditz wrote:

"The Leadership of the self-proclaimed People's Republic of Donetsk insist the official looking leaflets are fakes, and the signature of one of their leaders a forgery, designed to discredit the protest movement. The putative Jew registration service simply doesn't exist, and Ukrainian Jews who show up at the government building to expecting to have to pay a $50 dollar "registration fee" are wasting their time"

So absurd that even Ditz expressed sarcasm:

"Lord knows following through on whether or not urban legends are true isn't done in the US, which is why all the top stories in the US papers today are either Jew registration that's not happening, or a handful of kids in Tokyo wearing zentai, because that's sure to be the fad nationwide"

Monday, April 14, 2014

Sen Harry Reid: Bundy Dispute not over

After remaining silent for days, Nevada Senator Harry Reid made comments regarding the dispute between the Bureau of Land Management and rancher Cliven Bundy today, accusing the family of BREAKING THE LAW!!! yes you read that right

"Well, it's not over. We can't have an American people violate the law and then just walk away from it so it's not over"-Reid told News 4

Despite telling the family a deal was reached Saturday after federal agents were forced to retreat, the BLM reversed themselves Monday and told reporters they were still going after Bundy "administratively and judicially"

"The door isn't closed. We'll figure out how to move forward with this" BLM spokesperson Craig Leff said. "The BLM and National Park Service didn't cut any deal and negotiate anything, there was no deal made"

Not surprising that no one dared asked Reid about his involvement after an Infowars report linked Reid to the Bundy land grab.

IN what was the most popular news story in the world Friday which I also shared here in which Infowars reporter Kit Daniles revealed the documents linking Reid and the BLM's director, Reid's former senior advisor, to a Chinese energy firm that have been working to get Bundy out of his home in order to install a solar farm

"Non-Governmental Organizations have expressed concern that the regional mitigation strategy for the Dry Lake Solar Energy Zone utilizes Gold Butte as the location for offsite mitigation for impacts from solar development, and that those restoration activities are not durable with the presence of trespass cattle" one document stated about Bundy's cattle

Harry Reid's son, Rory Reid, has been the chief rep to the Chinese firm, which announced its plan to build a $5 billion solar plant on public Nevada land in 2012

Despite the BLM's attempts to regulate Bundy and his family off his land they have worked on for well over 140 years, in one ridiculous claim that Bundy was harming an endangered tortoise that the agency themselves were already killing in mass, Bundy is the last rancher to remain in the area

While the globalist corporate media are trying to sway public opinion, Bundy's supporters continue to arrive at the ranch to provide support. Regardless of what the feds do next, the BLM's heavy handed over the top response to the situation as was  reported included snipers, assaults, a no fly zone, a First Amendment Area and threats of death which clearly have shattered their public image

So given all of this, Bundy supporters remain on scene to await what the feds might do next... Stay Tuned folks this could get wild again...

Related: Judge Napolitano: Ranch Rebellion was American's "Line in the Sand"

Judge Andrew Napolitano was on FOX news to denounce the federal government's pathetic operation against Cliven Bundy of Nevada asserting that the BLM agents should have been arrested for seizing his property and that the case represents a "line in the sand" for Americans who are fed up with Big Government tyranny

Napolitano stated that the feds were forced to back down because their public image was so tarnished and was a PR nightmare pointing out that Bundy had lost his case at the federal level but the case should have been tried at the state level

"The federal judiciary should not be deciding what land the federal government owns-said Napolitano adding that the feds should have placed a lien against Bundy's property to collect grazing fees and not conducted a raid backed by armed agents to steal his property from him

"The government's option is to take the amount of money he owes them and docket it, that is file the lien on his property.... the federal government could have done that. instead they wanted this show of force said Napolitano, adding, "They swooped in... with assault rifles aimed and ready and stole this guy's property, they stole his cattle, they didn't have the right to do that, that's theft and they should have been arrested by state officials"

Also highlighted in the article was how Napolitano blasted the BLM's insane creation of a "First Amendment Area" outside where free speech was banned. Protestors to their credit ignored the zone and the BLM had to tear it down after being derided in the media.

"They established something utterly repellant in America, a First Amendment Zone.... the square was three miles away from where these events were going-this is the federal government emasculating the First Amendment rights of the protestors"-said the judge

Napolitano also said the resistance shown by Bundy's supporters was an example of how Americans feel "enough is enough with the federal government, we're drawing a line in the sand right here- and it drew people from all around the country who basically said 'quit your heavy handed theft of property and act like you're a normal litigant and not God almighty"

As reported, around 380 cattle were released by BLM agents who then left the scene after being confronted with hundreds of Bundy supporters who refused to back down despite facing threats of being shot at

Though the BLM still intends to go after Bundy legally for the $1 million dollar grazing rights fee they claim he owes them. Bundy asserts the land has been in his family for generations and has said he would only give the money to Clark County and not the feds

So my take?? Given the Reid/Chinese involvement and the expose of the BLM already killing these turtles but are using them any way shows the complete utter tyranny the United States and the world is under from the globalist corporate fascist scumbags and under UN Agenda 21. It also shows the complete abuse of power by the federal government agency known as BLM as well

Also another related article about Senator Reid and the solar farm near Bundy Ranch showing it was not just the shelved project near Laughlin

As reported he was exposed on Friday as being behind the Bureau of Land Management's persecution of Nevada rancher Cliven Bundy and is shown in a photo from March 2014 breaking ground for a new solar farm near Bundy's ranch, showing yet the senator's plan for solar projects in Nevada were not just limited to the shelved solar farm near Laughlin and to bascially summarize the BLM under Sen. Reid's corrupt interest's want Cliven Bundy off the 600,000 acre Gold Butte area so the agency can basically use it for future solar farms and the de facto buffer zones surrounding the solar farms

This criminal crony capitalism at its finest and those who were supporting Bundy this past weekend were well aware of it and I will continue to update you all on this story if any other information comes out

Saturday, April 12, 2014

Breaking: Feds back down from Bundy Seige after expose of Chinese Land Grab

The federal government has backed down and ended their siege against Nevada cattle rancher Cliven Bundy less than 24 hours after exposed connecting a land grab between Sen. Harry Reid and a Chinese backed solar farm went viral, becoming the biggest news story on the internet

Last night, I posted the article on how the feds were using the Bureau of Land Management to bully and intimidate ranchers like Bundy, pushing them off their land in order to pave the way for lucrative "green energy" projects backed by Communist Chinese government and linked to Nevada Senator Harry Reid

This story went viral, taking number one spot on the Viral News Chart website and the most trafficked story on the web thanks to news powerhouse the Drudge Report

This morning the Sheriff of Clark County, Nevada, Douglas Gillespie announced to the thousands of Bundy supporters gathered in Bunkerville that a deal was made with Bundy that would see the BLM cease its roundup of the rancher's cattle. Further reports showed that "The BLM wants to proceed with the sale of the cattle already gathered during the roundup but is willing to share the revenue from the sale with Bundy"

This is a huge victory against abusive big government and the federal and globalist agenda to take public land under the guise of corrupt, wasteful and useless "green energy" projects

It also shows the power of media spotlight and grassroots activism as well and it shows the huge decline of the influence of the corporate run press and how they were forced to cover this story as well and this already generated interest solely because of independent run news agencies like, Drudge Report and others and if this was a test on behalf of the feds of where the American people draw their line in the sand then the outcome is a huge disaster for big government which has been handed a welcome defeat to restore the constitutional freedoms and property rights in the face of insanity and out of control tyranny

Related see: which shows how viral this story went as it was shared 44,000 times on Facebook(where I shared it on my own page) Twitter over 34,000 times and even on sites like LinkedIn and thanks to independents like and Drudge which grew out grassroots to report on real news unlike the corporate press which has been highjacked by the CIA and other government agencies since the the 1950s

People whether they are American, Canadian or from other parts of the world seem to be craving real truth in news and not the bullshit propaganda given to us by the MSM to cover up the fraud seeping out of all levels of government whether it is in Canada, the US or other nations and has allowed our once prosperous nations to be led down the road towards a one world tyrannical government run by the globalist corporate fascists and their minions who carry out their dirty work

Also breaking: Feds threaten to Shoot Bundy Supporters
BLM agents are threatening to shoot Cliven Bundy supports who are trying to get back the seized cattle as showdown looms despite the fact the Bureau of Land Management has backed down as mentioned and announced it will cease their operation to round up Bundy's cattle, the rancher gave Gillespie a one hour time limit to take the firearms from BLM agents involved in the seige

Video shows the scene from Bunkerville shows hundreds of cowboys on horseback with supporters vowing to take back the hundreds of cattle the feds already took from Bundy reporter David Knight is at the scene and reported he heard clearly from BLM agents that they want to shoot men, women and children. Police are there as well blocking roads and demand that the hundreds of Bundy supporters turn back as this situation is still very tense and even SWAT teams are there and there are twitter screen shots to show this in the article and it is being reported that the BLM has pulled out of the area and cops are now allowing people to pass

Will keep you updated as it warrants folks... stay tuned...
Update: Feds back down in New Bundy Stand off, agree to release cattle

And the epic standoff that reporter David Knight described as a "something out of a movie" supporters of Nevada cattle rancher Cliven Bundy advanced their position despite BLM threats that they were going to shoot them forced the BLM to release the 100 cattle that they stole from Bundy as part of the land grab that threatened to turn into a Waco-style confrontation

Despite the BLM earlier agreeing to cease their operation to take Bundy's cattle after massive public outrage, Bundy had demanded Nevada Sheriff Douglas Gillespie to disarm the BLM officials and return his stolen cows

When this did not happen, hundreds of Bundy's supporters including cowboys on horseback, descended on a nearby cattle pen in Mesquite where the stolen cows were being held. During the tense standoff, armed BLM feds, backed by at least one member of the SWAT team, threatened to shoot supporters of if they got any closer to the vehicles

Infowars reporter David Knight, who was at the head of the march, described the scene as like the moment in V for Vendetta when the military was forced to stand down

So despite all the threats, protesters continued their slow march towards BLM agents as bullhorns were going and refused to back down past the armed men and towards the cattle pen. Sheriff Gillespie eventually informed Bundy supporters that the BLM caved and agreed to release the 100 catle they took that were inside the pen, after 30 minutes the Bundy supporters saw the cattle being released roughly half a mile away in the distance

This is a huge victory that this represents in the fight against government tyranny not just for the American people but the world

"the people have the power when they unite" Ammon Bundy told the Las Vegas Review Journal. "The War has just begun"

What a couple days for sure folks...

Friday, April 11, 2014

BREAKING: Sen. Harry Reid Behind BLM Land Grab: BLM attempted cover-up of Sen.Reid/Chinese gov't takeover of ranch for solar farm!!!

The Bureau of Land Management whose director was Sen. Harry Reid(D-Nev) former senior advisor, has purged documents from their website stating that the agency wanted Nevada rancher Cliven Bundy's cattle of the land his family worked for over 140 years to make way for a solar panel power stations(there are screenshots provided in the article)

Though deleted by but reposted on Free Republic's website, the BLM document entitled "Cattle Trespass Impacts" directly states that Bundy's cattle "impacts" solar development, more specifically the construction of "utility-scale solar power  generation facilities  on "public lands"

"Non- Governmental Organizations have expressed concern that the regional mitigation strategy for the Dry Solar Lake Energy Zone utilizes Gold Butte as the location for offsite mitigation for impacts from solar development and that those restoration activities are not durable with the presence of trespass cattle" the document states

Another report from the BLM entitled Regional Mitigation Strategy for the Dry Lake Solar Zone (BLM Technical Note 444) reveals Bundy's land in question is within the "Dry Lake Solar Zone and surrounding area" which is part of a broad U.S Department of Energy program for "Solar Energy Development in Six Southwestern States" on land managed by the BLM

"In 2012, the BLM and the U.S Department of Energy published the Final Programmatic Environmental Impact Statement(PEIS) for Solar Energy Development in Six Southwestern States" the report reads. "The Final Solar Programmatic Environmental Impact Statement  assessed the impact
of a utility-scale solar energy development on public lands in the six southwestern states of Arizona, California, Nevada, New Mexico and Utah"

and the report shows: "The Approved Resource Management Plan Amendments/ Record of Decision(ROD) for Solar Energy Development in Six Southwestern States implemented a comprehensive solar energy program for public lands in those states and incorporated land use allocations and programmatic and SEZ-specific design into land use plans in the six-state study area"

Back in 2012, the New American reported that Harry Reid's son Rory Reid was the chief rep for this Chinese energy firm that was planning on building a $5 billion dollar solar plant on public land in Laughlin, Nevada

and journalist Marcus Stern of Reuters also reported that Sen. Reid was heavily involved with this deal as well as he wrote: [Reid] and his oldest son, Rory, are both involved in an effort by a Chinese energy giant ENN Energy Group, to build a $5 billion solar farm and panel manufacturing plant
in the southern Nevada desert. Reid has been one of the project's most prominent advocates, helping recruit  the company during a 2011 trip to China and applying his political muscle on behalf of the project.

His son, a lawyer with a prominent Las Vegas firm that is representing ENN, helped it locate a 9,000
square acre(3,600 hectares) desert site that it is buying well below appraised value from Clark County, where Rory Reid formerly chaired the county commission"

So this was never about the turtle after all. This was about stealing a guy's land and handing it over to special interests as Dana Loesch wrote: "A tortoise isn't the reason why the BLM is harassing a 67 year-old rancher, they want his land. The tortoise wasn't of a concern when [U.S. Senator] Harry Reid worked with the BLM to literally change the boundaries of the tortoise's habitat to accommodate the development of his top donor, Harvey Whittemore"

She later added: "Reid is accused of using the new BLM chief as a puppet to control Nevada land(already over 84% of which is owned by the federal government) and pay back special interests. BLM has proven they've a situational concern for the desert tortoise as they've had no problem waiving their rules concerning wind or solar development. Clearly these developments have vastly affected a tortoise habitat more than a century-old, quasi-homesteading grazing area" "If only Clive Bundy were a big Reid donor"

So there you have it you folks, using a turtle to hand over this guy's land so special interests can develop the land for renewable energies projects and they had no problem waiving their rules to Harry Reid and the Chinese government... THIS IS AGENDA 21!!!!!!!

Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Nevada Rancher under attack over claims cows were illegally grazing endangering a turtle and the BLM before this was already killing the turtles

A Ruby Ridge style showdown is brewing in Nevada where armed federal agents are closing in on cattle rancher Cliven Bundy over claims Bundy allowed his cows to graze illegally on government land, therefore endangering a species of tortoise

Vowing to stand up for his rights, Bundy says he is willing to be killed as authorities surrounded the 600,000 acre section of public land as a result of Bundy violating a 1993 Bureau of Land Management ruling which changed grazing rights in order to protect the desert tortoise

"With all these ranchers and all this force that is out here, they are only after one man. They are after Cliven Bundy. Whether they want to incarcerate me or whether they want to shoot me in the back, they are after me. But that is not all that is at stake here. Your liberty and freedom is at stake"-said Bundy

Bundy's refusal to recongize federal authority over the land under dispute and his failure to pay tens of thousands of dollars in grazing fees from his assertion that his family history triumphs bureaucracy.

"My forefathers have been up and down the Virgin Valley ever since 1877. All these rights I claim have been created through pre-emptive rights and beneficial use of the forage and land. I have been here longer. My rights are before the BLM even existed"-he said

Also Bundy says it illustrates how much of a police state America has become and labeling the government's actions as "pathetic"

Ruby Ridge happened in 1992 as a result of which Randy Weaver, was accused of selling ATF agents illegal sawed off rifles, became embroiled in a tragic stand down with the United States Marshal's Service which led to the death of his wife Vicki and son Sammy and Deputy U.S. Marshal William Francis Degan

And Bundy has public support as well as there have been protestors in this "First Amendment Zone" which the Governor of Nevada slammed the feds in this dispute and despite that protestors ignored the area and had signs that stated "Welcome to Amerika-Wake Up" alongside a hammer and sickle logo as Governor Briand Sandoval called it: "Most disturbing to me is the BLM's establishment of a 'First Amendment Zone' that tramples Nevadans' fundamental rights under the U.S. Constitution. To that end, I have advised the BLM that such conduct is offensive to me and countless others and that the 'First Amendment Zone' should be dismantled immediately" he also said: "Now cow justifies the atmosphere of intimidation which currently exists nor the limitation of the constitutional rights that are scared to all Nevadans. The BLM needs to reconsider its approach to this matter and act accordingly"

 The next article I am linking to shows how before the Nevada Cattle Rancher Standoff, the BLM killed HUNDREDS OF TORTOISES so they are basically using the tortoise as an excuse to steal his property away from him and illustrates how this has nothing to do with saving or protecting these tortoises as the article will highlight that most of these were given to people who owned them as pets at their facility and they either killed them or released them into the wild. This is United Nations Agenda 21 at work folks...

Friday, April 4, 2014

Special Report: Climate Change.The Trillion Dollar Heist

  Alex Jones of exposes the greatest fraud in the history of the earth: man made climate change and exposes all their propaganda such claiming polar bears and penguins cannot swim(which is crap) in order to terrify children and get them to bow down to the gaia worshipping death cult of the UN. And there has been no warming for 17 years and they cannot deal with these facts so of course the eco-fascists have come out and called for arresting those who dare question the man made climate change myth as I posted about a couple days ago. Real environmental issues are being ignored like GMOs and toxic waste dumping in the ocean but no it is a life given non toxic gas known as CO2 that is the demon according to these eco-fascists scumbags as we know. Truth is there has been warming and cooling throughout earth's history and is caused by the SUN there are 71 studies to prove it(you can check my archives) so really this is just another money grab and power grab by the globalist elite and the biggest cause of unnatural death is GOVERNMENT according to a University of Hawaii study which showed in the 20th century killed 262 million people. The environmental movement has clearly been highjacked by the mega corporations and the private banks and globalist minions like Al Gore who are using this to control every god damn aspect of our lives and also hides an even more sinister agenda of reducing the world's population by 90% and holding back the third world from life saving development by using their cheap reliable sources of energy like coal, oil and gas.