Sunday, August 4, 2013

Washington's Fake Terror Alert nothing but theater and diversion and CIA trying to cover real benghazi story about arms running during attacks

Here we go again, they come in all forms and repeat it ad nausea at a disturbing regularity. America's so called war on terror targets Islam. At the core it is really nothing more than fear mongering and advances Washington's agenda.

We get wars of aggression, false arrests that target innocent people and the terror threats continue and they are well timed on purpose, they change the subject and divert attention to the real stuff that is going on.

Not only do they fool Americans but the world at large and we get the mainstream media marching in complete robot like lockstep and regurgitate more huge lies. On August 2nd the NY Times had a headline called "Qaeda Messages Prompt US Terror Warning" by saying the following: "The United States intercepted electronic communications this week among senior operatives of Al Qaeda, in which terrorists discussed attacks against American interests in the Middle East and North Africa, American officials said Friday. The intercepts and a subsequent analysis of them by American intelligence agencies prompted the United States to issue a unusual global travel alert to American citizens on Friday, warning of the potential for terrorist attacks by operatives of Al Qaeda and their associates beginning Sunday through the end of August"

Reality Check: Al Qaeda is a mere asset of the United States government. It used as an enemy and ally and therefore terror threats get fabricated. Osama Bin Laden was used as "Enemy Number One" years after he passed away. Obama did not kill him. Bin Laden had been very sick with kidney disease and other illnesses and in 2011 that December, he died of natural causes. The Pakistan Observer reported this as well as the BBC and FOX news!!! (you can look this up yourself) and in July 2002 the NY Times reported he had been "dead for six months" and He "was buried in the mountains of southeast Afghanistan" so really Bin Laden has been dead for well over a decade.

The article goes on to show the list of US embassies and consulates in the Middle East that are closed as a result of this ridiculous terror threat that is only distracting us from the fact they have used terror as an excuse for the NSA to spy on us illegally and this also comes on the heals of the Russians given NSA whistleblower Edward Snowden asylum. Quite the timing I would say..

Public awareness goes up and fearmongering only diverts and false flags shift from what mattes and the government and the media take full advantage of this. Notable past terror attacks have been false flags (ie Gulf of Tonkin, WTC bombing 1993, OKC 1995, 9/11, Boston Marathon Bombings)

The article shows how the Boston bombings were nothing more than a black ops scheme as it was state run terror and the Tsarnaev brothers were mere patsies that had nothing to do with the awful tragedy of that day. The cops murdered Tamerlan in cold blood and Dzhokar faces long term jail time as a result. The FBI is well known to have staged terror in the United States(hell even the NY Times admitted this) and so does the CIA after 9/11 it got worse. globalist puppet Bush declared war on terror and globalist puppet Obama continues to carry this on. Washington needs a boogey man and when exist they invent them.

Muslims are used as America's targets of choice. Innocent people get entrapped and doing so lets the criminal elements of the FBI fabricate war on terror victories. It also lets the NSA continue to spy on all of us illegally and lets the United States get away with murder on a global scale.

All bloody lies, damn lies and manufactured bullshit that allow the state to sponsor terror attacks and there is probably more to come...

The CIA is trying to control the Benghazi story by forcing agency employees to sign non-disclosure agreements. The five employees, FOX news reported in friday, had already signed similar agreements prior to the attack on the embassy building in Benghazi, Libya last September. The attack killed 4 Americans including ambassador Christopher Stevens.

In addition to non-disclosure, CIA employees were subjected to polygraph examinations on a monthly basis. On Thursday, CNN's Jake Tapper reported that the network "uncovered exclusive information about what is allegedly happening at the CIA" including the word that "dozens of people working for the CIA were on the ground that night, and that the agency is going to great lengths to make sure whatever it was doing, remains a secret"

The CIA is only trying to cover their own arses in order to make sure the real truth does not come to light and CNN sees it as an unprecedented effort. GOP members of Congress are doing the same bloody thing to steer attention away from the CIA and its real mission in Libya prior to the attack. on Wednesday, Rep. Jason Chaffetz R-Utah, said incoming FBI director James Comey has 30 days to brief congress on the investigation. "One of the pertinent questions today is why we have not captured or killed the terrorist who committed these attacks?" Chaffetz said during a news conference. "News out today that CNN was able to go in and talk to one of the suspected terrorists, how come the military hasn't been able to get after them and capture or kill the people? How come the FBI isn't doing this and yet CNN is?"

The Man in question regarding all of this is Ahmed Abu Khattala, is a Libyan described by officials as the Benghazi ring leader of the al-Qaeda affiliated militia group Ansar-al-Sharia. It was learned after the attack that the Feb. 17th Martyrs Brigade was paid by the State Department to protect the U.S diplomatic mission in Benghazi. The group had "clear al-Qaeda sympathies, and had prominently displayed the al-Qaida flag on a facebook page for months before the deadly attack" Max Rosenthal reported for Newsmax in May.

Of course, the establishment media has not reported the truth about what happened in Benghazi and why the CIA is scrambling to kill the story. In 2011, Ambassador Stevens was appointed to be the Obama administration's liaison with the "budding Libyan opposition" according to ABC news. Stevens and the State department worked directly with Abdelhakim Belhadj of the Libyan Islamic Fighting Group and Belhadj is connected to Al-Qaeda which Washington's blog pointed out on May 9 2013

Back on May 8th, there numerous Benghazi cover stories that were rising thanks to the corrupt corporate media while Infowars reported what was really going on- that the murder of Stevens was not about a lame Anti-muslim video but was connected to an arms shipment destined for CIA mercenaries in Syria!!! and during an interview with CNBC's Larry Kudlow, radio talk show host John Baxter said the resignation of CIA director David Petraeus had nothing to do the fact he was having an affair with his biographer and reserve Army officer Paula Broadwell but it was all related to U.S. policy in the Middle East, ongoing "color revolutions" and the specific operation to arm Al-Qaeda in Syria in order to overthrow the Assad regime

Baxter told Kudlow: "Benghazi was not about Libya, Benghazi is about the policy of the Obama administration to involve the United States without clarity to the American people, not only in Libya but throughout the whole of the Arab world now in turmoil. Benghazi is about the NSC directing an operation that is perhaps shadowy, perhaps a presidential finding, perhaps doesn't, that takes arms and outs them into Syria in the guise of the Free Syria Army"

Also interesting is Retired Lt. General Boykin said back in January that Stevens was in Benghazi as part of an effort to arm Al-Qaeda. "More supposition was that he was now funneling guns to rebel forces in Syria, using essentially the Turks to facilitate that. Was that occuring, (a), and if so, was it a legal covert action"? Boykin said during an interview with CNS News and he said as well that Stevens was "given a directive to support the Syrian rebels" and the State Department's Special Mission compound in Benghazi "would be the hub of that activity"(the article has 3 videos of everything in this article if you want to check them out)

Of course this will all be ignored by the New York times and the rest of the corporate establishment media and the CIA is doing their very best to shut up anyone who knows what really went down in Benghazi and the Congressional hearings will only aid into manufacturing lies and promote yet another official government fairy tale that we are all supposed to by into

And given the fake Al-Qaeda terror threat (see the other article) is very much in the works as the State Department issued the global travel alert and the "fresh intelligence" supposedly that Al-Qaeda operatives  in the Arabian Peninsula are in the final stages of planning attacks against U.S. and Western targets despite the fact Al-Qaeda is run by the US government is mere propaganda and theater to distract us from the Benghazi cover up, the NSA's illegal spying and etc..