Wednesday, May 23, 2018

Victims of cia mkultra mind control program are suing Canada and us governments in class action lawsuits victims of the cia’s disgusting mkultra program where the mind controlled people with all sorts of drugs when they were trying to get help for things like depression got more than they bargained for and there are ties to Canada in the fact that Ewen Cameron was part of this since he worked at the Allan memorial institute in Montreal Quebec here are som excerpts and credit goes to Jamie white of for this story: “Survivors and families of those victimized by Project MKULTRA, a CIA mind control program, are preparing a class-action lawsuit against the U.S. and Quebec governments due to the alleged abuse they suffered through decades ago.
Over forty Canadians, who have called themselves Survivors Allied Against Government Abuse (SAAGA), gathered in Montreal last weekend to share their horrific stories about how MKULTRA destroyed their lives, according to the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation (CBC).Over forty Canadians, who have called themselves Survivors Allied Against Government Abuse (SAAGA), gathered in Montreal last weekend to share their horrific stories about how MKULTRA destroyed their lives, according to the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation (CBC).
“The government should offer an apology and there should be recognition of the injustice that was done,” said Gina Blasbalg, who unknowingly became a patient at the Allan Memorial Institute – where MKULTRA subproject 68took place – during her teens in the 1960s.Marlene Levenson, whose aunt Phyllis Goldberg was victimized by the mind control program in 1945, said the U.S. and Canadian governments are obligated to apologize for the suffering they put the patients through.
“I could not believe this was allowed,” Levenson told CTV Montreal. “These were innocent people who went in for mild depression – even if it was severe depression, post-partum, neurological things that happened – they came out completely ravaged, and their life was ruined.” Note: the program stopped in 1973 and allwas declassified thanks to the church committee hearings that showed the cia’s Wrong doing in this atrocious abuse of human rights and I sure hope the victims of this get justice 

Monday, May 21, 2018

Marxist globalist commie pope Francis virtue signals lgbt by telling victim of sexual abuse at the hands of a priest that it is ok to be gay if you want more proof this pope of ours is a marxist scum check out this video by Infowars founder Alex jones who talks about this very story why would you tell someone who was a sexual abuse victim of a priest that it is ok to be gay who says that kind of bs to a sexual assault victim here is also an article by kit Daniels and Ben warren about this  is (disclaimer: i have nothing against lgbt people however the problem is telling a molestation victim this type of garbage does not help the situation ) here are some of the highlights of this :”It’s worth pointing out that Pope Francis was talking to a victim of Catholic sexual abuse when he reportedly told him it was “okay to be gay.”
Why it matters:
The context of the Pope’s alleged statement is being overshadowed by the statement itself. The context, however, is important because it sheds light on the decades-long molestation accusations against Catholic priests, many of which turned out to be true. It also sheds light on why the Pontiff is motivated to drift away from traditional Catholic teachings.

The victim, Juan Carlos Cruz, was sexually abused by the Rev. Fernando Karadima, who was f The Pope’s statement isn’t just about “homosexuality vs. the church”:
Pope Francis is an adherent of liberation theologypromoted by Latin American socialists for decades with the end goal of destroying the church from within.
During the 20th century, communist revolutionaries found that, despite their best efforts to overthrow Latin American nations and install puppet regimes, they could never gain control of hearts and minds of population due to the steady bulwark of the Catholic Church.
That’s why communists decided to subvert the Catholic Church from within by “legitimizing” Marxist teachings in the church through liberation theology, which merged Catholicism with Marxism.
Given that context, it isn’t surprising why Pope Francis, a Latin American pope
who’s friendly to liberation theology, seems to go against the grain of Catholic teachings at every chance he gets.“ note: so this is what I was saying earlier that the real problem was the fact that marxists hate traditional views of the Catholic Church andgiven the churches views on the issue in that they don’t agree with same sex marriage is precisely why this puppet of a pope seems hell bent on destroying the church itself now the sex abuse scandals have been well documented and as someone who was baptized in that faith it disgusts me to no end and the cover up of all of it is even worse so for the pope to say something this asinine and stupid to a victim of sexual abuse is just despiscable

Thursday, May 17, 2018

The war room interview debate with Syrian girl regarding Israel and Palestine Owen Shroyer of the war room on interviews and debates Syrian girl on the Israel Palestine issue and the Gaza Strip violence that happened this week it is a very interesting debate and both being up great points on this very complicated issue and as for me I have no dog in the Israel Palestine issue because I don’t know how to cover it or talk about in a way that doesn’t make me against or for either side so that is why I don’t touch this but I thought you guys might enjoy this debate

Wednesday, May 16, 2018

Fox News confirms what had reported regarding the Benghazi scandal that proves that Hillary and Obama and their cia friends were giving guns to Isis Fox News admitted what we already knew about the Benghazi scanadal that it was a cia clinton deepstate gunning run scam that ended up killing 4 people including ambassador Stevens  on 9/11 2012 and both kit Daniels and in the video clip Alex jones break it all down and fox actually interviewed one of the rebels who were part of the gun running so there we have it folks broke it first before anyone else how incredible is that but here are some highlights: “ The Free Syrian Army and the Syrian National Council, the vaunted bulwarks of the moderate opposition, only really exist in hotel lobbies and the minds of Western diplomats,” journalist Ben Reynolds wrote in Nov. 2014. “There is simply no real separation between ‘moderate’ rebel groups and hardline Salafists allied with al-Qaeda.”
The New York Times made a similar statement.
“Nowhere in rebel-controlled Syria is there a secular fighting force to speak of,” the newspaper reported in 2013.
Now, Fox News has interviewed one of these rebels who admitted he handed over US weapons directly to al-Qaeda.
“I communicated with al-Qaeda’s branch, Al Nusra, to protect and safely escort me and my soldiers for two hours from North Aleppo to West Aleppo,” Maj. Anas Ibrahim Obaid told Fox News from his home in the western Aleppo area. “In exchange, I gave them five pickup trucks and ammunition.”
Fox News also reported that “those trucks and ammo were issued to him by the United States in 2015, part of a $500 million Department of Defense effort to ‘train and equip’ a new ‘ideologically moderate’ force to battle ISIS.”
As Infowars reported on Dec. 12, 2014, this half-billion dollar effort was part of the $1.1 trillion federal spending bill rammed through Congress that year.
Section 9016 of the 2014 spending bill authorizes the Secretary of Defense $500,000,000 to equip “appropriately vetted elements of the Syrian opposition” who will defend “the Syrian people from attacks by the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant.”
But as Infowars also reported, in Sept. 2014 ISIS signed a truce with the remaining “moderate rebel” groups to work together against the Syrian government.
“We are collaborating with the Islamic State and the Nusra Front by attacking the Syrian Army’s gatherings in… Qalamoun,” Bassel Idriss, the commander of a “moderate rebel” brigade, told the Lebanese Daily Star in 2014.
Another commander, Abu Khaled, said his “moderate rebel” group had “reached a point where we have to collaborate with anyone against unfairness and injustice [of the Assad government].”
“Let’s face it: The Nusra Front is the biggest power present right now in Qalamoun and we as FSA would collaborate on any mission they launch as long as it coincides with our values,” he added.
In other words, the “ideologically moderate” rebels were no longer independent in 2015, having long since been absorbed into al-Qaeda affiliated groups, just as Maj. Obaid pointed out.
“The Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant, or ISIL, fighting to overthrow President Bashar al-Assad, have taken advantage of a power vacuum in rebel-held areas to assert its authority over more moderate elements of the armed opposition,” Reuters reported in 2013.
The better-equipped and better-trained ISIS militants quickly emerged as the dominant fighting force against the Assad government, meaning that Congress’s dream to arm “appropriately vetted elements” was, by 2014, an easily-debunked fantasy.
But that didn’t stop President Obama from resupplying the “moderate rebels” again in 2015, just as Infowars reported.
Internally, however, the Obama administration knew it was arming jihadists.
“The Salafist [sic], the Muslim Brotherhood and AQI [al-Qaeda in Iraq] are the major forces driving the insurgency in Syria,” a leaked 2012 memo between her State Dept. and the Pentagon stated. “The West, Gulf countries, and Turkey support [this] opposition, while Russia, China and Iran ‘support the [Assad] regime.’”

Tuesday, May 15, 2018

The 45goals of communism and it is chilling how accurate it is to today video by with a highlight package of clips breaking down an article from i believe it was last week the secret 45 goals that wa leaked to us congress in 1963 and believe me you have to watch the video and read this article and then you will see just how horrifyingly accurate it is to today and in specific to where we in Canada are headed if we don’t expose and stop the globalists and their leftists minions from destroying us and killing us in genocide I will highlight some of this article for you guys from “In 1963, congressman Hon. A.S. Herlong Jr. of Florida read a list of 45 communist goals into the congressional record in an attempt to warn America about the dangers of the movement.
The congressman quoted from Cleon Skousen’s book “The Naked Communist.”
Read the 45 goals below or click here for a pdf link.
1. U.S. acceptance of coexistence as the only alternative to atomic war.
2. U.S. willingness to capitulate in preference to engaging in atomic war.
3. Develop the illusion that total disarmament [by] the United States would be a 
demonstration of moral strength.” 

4. Permit free trade between all nations regardless of Communist affiliation and regardless of whether or not items could be used for war.
5. Extension of long-term loans to Russia and Soviet satellites.
6. Provide American aid to all nations regardless of Communist domination.
7. Grant recognition of Red China. Admission of Red China to the U.N.
8. Set up East and West Germany as separate states in spite of Khrushchev’s promise in 1955 to settle the German question by free elections under supervision of
the U.N.9. Prolong the conferences to ban atomic tests because the United States has agreed to suspend tests as long as negotiations are in progress.
10. Allow all Soviet satellites individual representation in the U.N.
11. Promote the U.N. as the only hope for mankind. If its charter is rewritten, demand that it be set up as a one-world government with its own independent armed forces. (Some Communist leaders believe the world can be taken over as easily by the U.N. as by Moscow. Sometimes these two centers compete with each other as
they are now doing in the Congo.)m
12. Resist any attempt to outlaw the Communist Party.
17. Get control of the schools. Use them as transmission belts for socialism and 
current Communist propaganda. Soften the curriculum. Get control of teachers’ associations. Put the party line in textbooks.
18. Gain control of all student newspapers.
19. Use student riots to foment public protests against programs or organizations which are under Communist attack.
20. Infiltrate the press. Get control of book-review assignments, editorial writing, policymaking positions.”

Monday, May 14, 2018

Bill Nye the fake science guy and eugenics promoter pushed population co tell at Planned Parenthood event Bill Nye the anti human anti freedom scumbag elitist pushed population control at a Planned Parenthood event recently under the guise of saving the planet from you guessed it the man made climate Fraud here are some highlights from the lifenews article and from townhall the original publisher: “Bill Nye “the Science Guy,” once the beloved figure of the popular PBS children’s show, fundraised and gave a talk for Planned Parenthood of South Texas Tuesday in which he renewed calls for population control in response to climate change.
Nye, whose actual, scientific credentials consist of a bachelor’s degree in Mechanical Engineering, focused on climate change in his talk and reportedly discussed “evidence that explosive population growth is a major factor driving it.”
He also praised the nation’s largest abortion provider for efforts to raise the quality of life for women and emphasized that this was one way to address climate change, saying this would lead to “fewer kids.”
“What’s the one thing to do about climate change, if you want to think about the big picture? Raise the standard of living of girls and women,” he said, explaining, “when you raise the standard of living of girls and women, they have fewer kids, and the kids they have are better cared for.”
“The thing that gets me about the time that I grew up in and the time we’re living in now is how fast things have changed, and Planned Parenthood has been here since the very beginning” “Nye has been a vocal and radical supporter of abortion and population control recently. His Netflix show “Bill Nye Saves The World,” featured a segment discussing the idea that people should be “penalized” for having “extra kids” who could potentially contribute to climate change.”
He also argued for abortion in a 2015 video.
LifeNews Note: Lauretta Brown writes for Town Hall, where this column originally appeared. My note: Bill Nye just like the rest of the elites really truly show their disdain for humanity and their malhtuisanism really shows and the climate fraud is the perfect scam to use as a cover for their real goal of killing us all these radicals like Nye are truly despicable 

Thursday, May 10, 2018

9/11 lies and deception plus torture today’s real news with reporter and host David knight breaks down the 9/11investigation launched by those lawyers and families into the twin towers and also breaks down the war with Iran and Israel and he interviews ex cia whistleblower John Kiriakou who was arrested for exposing the cia and their illegal torture program and why he opposes Gina Haspel for cia director as a result of that in this clip knight talks about these nuns who were caught torturing 65children and the blatant hypocrisy when it comes to this issue and people being blind by political parties that they can’t see that torture in any form is wrong disclaimer: I do not support terrorism or terrorists or the deep state actors that support it however I am about common sense and rule of law and due process in that even the sickest terrorist piece of human trash does deserve due process and not to be tortured illegally update: here is Knights interview with John Kiriakou

Thursday, May 3, 2018

Disgusting: project veritas exposes New Jersey teachers union covering up child abuse in schools project vertias has exposed a courrpt teacher’s union in new Jersey who protect teachers who are abusive towards students and they never get punished for it and this is telling because it seems to me they care more about covering up bad abusive teachers than protecting students from these animals here is an excerpt I am going to highlight and it might make your blood boil:”Project Veritas released undercover footage showing Hamilton Township Education Association President David Perry explain how teacher unions prevent teachers who physically abuse children from being fired.
“I’m gonna strongly advise… [if] the kid’s gonna turn around and say ‘Well [the teacher] threatened me….’ I can say ‘No. No no no. On March 22nd, the day after the incident, [the teacher] came over to me and told me [what happened.] And we just wanted to put it on record so that nothing more would come about it,'” he told a PV operative.
“We do turn [these reports] around to where, if it was a physical punch, it wasn’t a punch. It was a shove. It covers [the teacher!] Because he came in and reported it right away and that he was afraid… but here’s what happened. Everything else is bullsh*t.”” 

U2 caught promoting Eugenics by wanting to repeal Ireland’s pro life law in the why shouldn’t we be surprised u2 lead singer bono admitted he is a hypocrite and elitist dirtbag by promoting eugenics and genocide by wanting Ireland to repeal their pro life laws that were protecting unborn children from destruction and he is also no Christian or catholic since he violates the churches teachings on this issue that you don’t kill babies by supporting this bullshit and good news is that people are no longer listening or following the band on social media because of this insanity including me. Leftist Elitist scum like bono show yet again their disdain and hatred of humanity in this latest example truly sickening

Tuesday, May 1, 2018

Ron Paul says that baby Alfie is the latest victim of omnipotent government in great article former senator Ron Paul exposes how state run health care and general government control over our lives led to poor Alfie Evans being a victim of the state here are some highlights: “ Twenty-three-month-old Alfie Evans, passed away in a British hospital on Saturday. While the official cause of death was a degenerative brain disease, Alfie may have been murdered by the British health system and the British high court. Doctors at the hospital treating Alfie decided to remove his life support, against the wishes of Alfie’s parents. The high court not only upheld the doctors’ authority to override the parents’ wishes, it refused to allow the parents to take Alfie abroad for treatment.In upholding the government’s authority to substitute its judgment for that of Alfie’s parents, the high court is following in the footsteps of authoritarians throughout history. Ever since Plato, supporters of big government have sought to put government in charge of raising children. The authoritarianism of a system where “experts” can override parents is underscored by a police warning that they were “monitoring” social media posts regarding Alfie.Alfie’s case is not just an example of the dangers of allowing government to usurp parental authority or the failures of socialized medicine. It shows the logical result of the widespread acceptance of the idea that rights are mere privileges bestowed by government. It follows from this idea that rights can be taken away whenever edemanded by government officials or the popular will. 
Of course, most western politicians deny they believe rights come from government. They instead claim that government must place “reasonable” limits on rights to advance important policy goals, such as limiting the right to free speech to protect certain groups from hate speech, or limiting property rights to promote economic equality. But, a right by its very nature cannot be limited or abolished and still be a right.
This disdain for a true understanding of rights is found among both liberals and conservatives. Both support a welfare-warfare state funded via the theft of income taxes and the indirect theft of inflation. Both support jailing people for nonviolent actions like drinking raw milk. Many politicians, regardless of ideology, support restrictions on parental rights such as mandatory vaccination laws.” My note: the hospital where this boy was treated was once caught selling children’s organs so really is any wonder that they had such a callous attitude and disregard for him