Friday, November 20, 2015

ABC's show Scandal openly promotes eugenics death cult of Planned Parenthood

(disclaimer I don't watch this show but it is clear to me the establishment is ramping up their anti-human programming as displayed in the epsiode described in the article)

ABC's scandal's main character Olivia Pope played by Kerry Washington had an abortion on that programs episode last night and played silent night the song that celebrates Christ's birth but was used to promote Planned Parenthood's eugenics death cult and promote anti-Christianity as well by mocking this traditional song that we use to celebrate the great birth of our lord and savior Jesus Christ who if alive today probably would have been outraged. And the article points out the monolouge used to described babies as not human by calling them an illness, soft tissue and of course the character gleefully celebrated it with a glass of wine. Hollywood demonstrates just how anti-family and anti-human they are and these people do not know or even care that the founder of this satanic organization Margaret Sanger hated blacks and all humans for that matter but that does not matter to the Hollywood elites. Not to mention Planned Parenthood has been caught selling baby parts on the black market but that does not matter to these sociopaths at all. Human rights start in the womb and Mother Theresa who is being canonized next year called abortion a great threat to peace and my god was she right Mother Theresa was an incredible woman she was a true champion of human rights for the unborn and for all as well she helped many that were living in poverty such as feeding them and taking care of the sick to me she was really something and even gave back her nobel prize that she won but now even that is tainted since we now give to war hawks and co2 myth promoters in Al Gore and his minions. Children are a gift from god and when we dehumanize that gift we dehumanize all of humanity regardless of race, disability, age,gender etc..

Saturday, November 14, 2015

CONFIRMED: French Government Knew Extremists BEFORE Paris Terrorist Attack

CONFIRMED: French Government Knew Extremists BEFORE Paris Terrorist Attack

(disclaimer: My heart goes out to victims of yesterday's horrific attacks in Paris France and my condolences go to their families of the over 100 plus that were killed by gun fire and bombs however this article here proves that the French Government knew about the people behind the attacks and did nothing to stop what happened and as you all know ISIS who they blame for what happened is a direct product of the west and their allies Turkey and Saudi Arabia who have giving these sons of bitches guns and money and trained them and the people who are doing this as well as those who knew and did nothing need to also be held responsible for their role in these attacks) and it was declassified by Judicial Watch earlier this year  but either way the state always benefits from terrorism no matter where it happens in the world) and also by opening the borders overseas also created the globalist favorite tool order out of chaos and I am going to link to an report that Mr. Alex Jones did that breaks how all of that led to what we saw yesterday in france and of course the big "climate" conference is over there promoting the eco-fascist side of this world government to push world carbon taxes on a life giving gas that is not harmful so it is getting very real folks and usher in UN Agenda 21 as well so be vigiliant my friends Update: It has come out that the CIA and French Intelligence met prior to the attacks so this further demonstrates prior knowledge of these attacks given NATO, the west and their allies in Turkey and Saudi Arabia backing ISIS and their open boarders policy this was bound to happen it is the perfect example of the Heglian Dialetic: they created the problem offer the so called solutions and then they explot this so they can get more power and control I will continue to give updates as more information comes stay tuned  update number 2: I just found a great article from furthering how the west and their allies fund terrorism it is an excellent piece of investigative reporting and exposes the whole terror racket fully update 3: The ex of Ibrahim Abdeslam, the suspected suicide bomber in the Paris Attacks on friday spoke to the UK Daily Mail and told them her husband was an unemployed stoner who never went to a mosque at all and was forced to observe Ramadan when forced article goes on to point out how doing drugs and alcohol is against islam is almost similar to Mohammed Atta one of the so called highjackers in 9/11 who did cocaine and drank and the version of islam that bans this is Sunni Wahabbist so it seems he was just a mass killer but the article written by Mr Kurt Nimmo of points out that if he was some stoner was not depressed even though his mother said he had some problems but why would he blow himself up unless he was brainwashed and article shows how the CIA and KGB perfected brainwashing people to create killers and the artice has some examples like Sirhan Sirhan and etc.. of course the establishment press is so damn lazy and does not know how to do proper investigative reporting would never even entertain such a possibility again