Monday, April 30, 2012

Alex Jones calls for Occupy Bilderberg

  RT interviewed Alex Jones about the upcoming Bilderberg meeting, which has been around since the mid 1950's and maybe even before that.. these are a few of the elite groups who want world government.. they are meeting in Chantilly, Virginia on may 31st... this is a real group and they must be exposed for the treasonous bastards that they are..

Friday, April 27, 2012

European Space Agency to launch satellite to "hunt down" carbon criminals

From, No Trick Zone(climate skeptic site) and

The European Space Agency was given the green light to launch what is being named the CarbonSat, which will determine if carbon emissions are natural or from man made sources.. It is expected to deploy in 2017 and they have a contract with Astrium to deploy this satellite.. Not only that  in a press release through Astrium President Evert Dudok  admitting this will spy on YOU AND I through our daily activities.. Folks this is eco-tyranny police state  at its finest.. It will be enforced through the United Nations as part of their dictatorial power grab even though man made climate change is nothing but a pseudo-scientific piece of nonsense..

Rio 20: the real agenda: reporter Patrick Henningsen from April 26/2012(yesterday) reported in an article entitled "Rio 20:Why Africans and the world should be afraid of the european elite's green agenda. He writes that the idea of a UN global governance is not a "conspiracy theory" but openly admitted. In their quest to control the entire world on the hoax that CO2 is killing the planet, Africa is still in the dark about the evil agenda that is about to be bestowed on them which is : GENOCIDE!!!! Remember their delusional nonsense is based on Nature being their God and that humanity is a threat to their God by claiming we are killing the planet because of industry and other stuff and It really came to a head in 1992 in Rio, which was led by UN and Globalist operatives Al Gore and Maurice Strong and used "global warming" as the perfect excuse to introduce Agenda 21 which not only did Europe, North America, Australia and other nations sign on to it but Africa did as well. He goes on to report: "The Neo-Colonial shape of this new "green" agenda came into full view for the first time in 2009 at the UN Copenhagen Climate Summit as the infamous Danish Text Leak broke the story detailing a secret US-European agreement that would disband the old Kyoto protocol's original plan to have "developed" nations like the US and Europe to foot the bill for global emission reductions" but he goes on to say that  they wanted poorer nations like Africa to have these costs and have lunatic policy to keep them from developing thus leaving them to suffer for 200 years..

Thanks to the 2 climategates, we see how they cooked the books in order to shove this agenda down our throats and that man made global climate change  is and was always a pseudo-scientific fraud and shattered the hoax that there was a "consensus on the science" and thus because no one is buying into it they have had to resort to what is really behind their agenda which is: POPULATION CONTROL AND MASS GENOCIDE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

It was reported in the London Guardian that the Royal Society was forced to admit their sick plot by stating this following quote: "Economic and Envrionmental catastrophes unavoidable unless the rich countries countries cut consumption and global population stabilizes. World population needs to be stabilized quickly and high consumption in rich countries reduced to avoid a "downward spiral economic and envrionmental ills"

Here is the best part of this wonderful report: "It seems that Western Elites are blaming third world countries like Africa for their past envrionmental crimes- even though past ecological disasters have been carried out by European and American transnational corporations" and here is the quote from the london guardian(which was also featured in this article): "John Sulston's committee argues that the more people there are and the richer they are, the more resources they consume. True. But it does not follow the damage they do to the planet is greater. In important ways it gets less. Why are many ecological and conservation problems worse in poor countries? Haiti is 98% deforested, and parts of Africa are seeing the devastation of wildlife populations, whereas in Europe and North America, forest cover is increasing, rivers and lakes are getting cleaner and deer numbers are rising.. above all, economic growth leads to a sparing use of the most important of all resources-land" Matt Ridely, The guardian April 26th 2012.

They are coming and Africa is the target for genocide and then they will target Western Nations unless we expose and fight this crackpot nonsense...


Thursday, April 26, 2012

House Passes CISPA: Red Alert!

 yeah it is official CISPA was passed in the US house.. this is tyranny.. this will shut down a free and open internet.. to hell with our rights here in the west... spread this video around.. this will go after people who dissent against the government and spy ON YOU violating the 4th amendment rights of the US constitution against illegal search and seizure unless there is a warrant but they don't give a damn.. as I have said before without the US, there is no freedom.. this report is courtesy of Alex Jones of and remember that bill they tried to pass in here in Canada Bill C-30 that was gonna let the police spy on you without a warrant (CBC news, Toronto Star, you can google Bill C-30 and you will see numerous articles on it) that I reported on, this is almost similar to that. However it still has to go through the US senate so there maybe some hope a hero will emerge and defeat this bill.. let's pray it is not to late...

Friday, April 20, 2012

Books I recommend if you want to do your own research

63 Documents that the government doesn't want you to read/American Conspiracies-Jesse Ventura

Family Of Secrets(about the Bush Family)-Russ Baker

JFK and the unspeakable-James W. Douglass

Trillion Dollar Conspiracy/Rise of the Fourth Reich-Jim Marrs

9/11 Synthetic Terror- Webster Griffin Tarpley

JFK: The CIA, Vietnam and the Plot to Assassinate John F. Kennedy- L. Fletcher Prouty

Climategate: A veteran meterologist exposes the global warming scam- Brian Sussman
Climate of Corruption: Politics and power behind the global warming hoax- Larry Bell

Merchants of Despair: Radical Environmentalism, Criminal Pseudo-Scientists and the fatal cult of antihumanism- Robert Zurbin 

Eco-Tyranny: How the Left's green agenda will dismantle America- Brian Sussman(his new book that is out which you can get on amazon or in stores if you can find it)

Jesse Ventura: Democrips and Rebloodlicans: No more gangs in government

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Alex Jones: Canadian conspiracy

  This is 2 years old but still relevant.. RT interviewed Alex Jones of talking about how our government here in Canada got caught monitoring political speech online.. and think about the Internet bill that I reported on where this was going to give law enforcement power to spy on us without a warrant.. see the connection??

"man made climate change" alarmist calls for burning of "denier" homes and more

From and

Steve Zwick in forbes wants people who are not brainwashed by the pseudo-science that is man made global climate change to have their homes be burnt to the ground here is his quote courtesy of "We know who the active denialists are-not the people who buy the lies,mind you, but the people who create the lies. Let's start keeping track of them now,and when the famines come, let's make them pay. Let's let their houses burn. Let's swap their safe land for submerged islands. Let's force them to bear the cost of rising food prices. They broke the climate. Why should the rest of us pay for it" 

this is an example of how eco-facism is being allowed to run rampant. This is nothing but a childish piece of nonsense by a deranged malthusian lunatic. It is their LIES AND DECIET that have caused food prices to go up thanks to the scam that is biofuels that has caused food riots in the poorest of nations such has haiti because when you are living on 1-2 dollars a day it is life and death.. It is because of them, that the third world is still living in misery and is being told not to develop their god damn resources to lift themselves out of poverty and disease because the way they are living is "sustainable and acceptable"..  and thanks to brave 50 NASA scientists and others who have come out against man made climate change over the years that are the ones who should not be crucified for stating REAL FACTS- it is the radical environmentalists like this crackpot Zwick that should be held accountable for lying to the public and using fear mongering tactics such as the hoax  polar bears dying to scare school children into buying into this garbage.. 

Farmers demand Feds probe Monsanto and Dow over crops and Chemicals(

Russia Today reported yesterday that over 2,000 farmers and others who work in the food industry are threatening the US government to investigate Monsanto and Dow Chemical for the outcomes of GMO foods. They also report that Dow Chemical was awaiting government approval for this 2,4-D which was used to make Agent Orange during the Vietnam War. They report that the EPA threw out a petition that asked them to ban the sale of this particular pesticide even though the NRDC(national resources defence council in the US) and the Center for food safety pleaded with them to not throw out the petition. So it seems like the EPA does not give a rats arse about these safety concerns at all but yet they will tell us that life giving gas CO2 is bad... what a bunch of hypocrites...  

 Argentinian  Farmers according to an article by Occupy Monsanto that they are suing Monsanto over their GM pesiticides because they say it caused birth defects in their children(you can find the article in the health archives on and so they want Monsanto to pay for what they have done clearly.. should be interesting to see how that one goes down.. also I have learned that Monsanto threatened Vermont Legislators with a lawsuit because Vermont wants to label GMO foods and Monsanto does not want that to happen because they would no longer have control over the food industry... 



Saturday, April 14, 2012

12 year old girl explains how to destroy corrupt canadian banking system

Canadian Banking System Fraud Exposed - Bill Abram

 from 2007, a retired teacher was interviewed for a documentary and he exposed the international private banking cartel's grip on Canada and also talks about the federal reserve system in the US that is also controlled by the same international  private banking cartel and a whole host of interesting stuff..

Friday, April 13, 2012

Victoria Grant on Press For Truth TV (a 12 year old Canadian patriot)

  this young woman is only 12 years old and knows more about the corrupt banking system here in Canada than the average person.. She exposes the private banks and the government who are making us pay taxes and interest that we should not pay and if we don't we get thrown in jail but they have robbed US OF 160 MILLION DOLLARS OF OUR TAX MONEY!!!!!!!!!!!!!! this kid is one hell of a courageous and brave canadian  .. true patriot....

Monday, April 9, 2012

James Hansen calls for world wide global carbon tax, Study links EPA approved GMO pesticide to bee death and more

James Hansen and the carbon tax scam:, infowars/ are reporting  from an article in the UK's guardian newspaper, that James Hansen will call for a world wide carbon tax in a speech he is scheduled to do. According to the report and I will quote: "In his lecture Hansen will argue that the challenge facing future generations from climate change is so urgent that a flat rate global tax is needed to force immediate cuts in fossil fuel use" Using the recent rhetoric of calling climate skeptics as racists(as I previously reported) he alleges that human induced climate change is on par with slavery..  and the report even admits this would send energy prices to skyrocket even as people are struggling to with these costs. He will make this call at the Edinburgh International Science Festival in which he will receive a medal for his contribution to "science", he is calling for a 6% annual cut in "CO2" emissions and etc.. In reality, this has nothing to due with the environment at all.. this is really about taxing not only us here in the West to death but will keep the 3rd world from developing as we all know is their goal because they see development as "suppressing mother earth" and if any of these policies go in world wide, the GENOCIDE will be CATASTROPHIC especially in the 3rd world.. Hansen and the rest of the eco-facists endorsed this book by Keith Farnish(another crackpot) in which he called for de-industrializing developed countries, blowing up dams so we could live in the stone age, where people died at age 35 and life "nasty, brutish and short"(Hobbs)  and the reason they are calling for all of this because they know people are waking up to this hoax and thus are coming up with these lunatic pieces of nonsense to hold on to this hoax..

Study shows EPA approved GMO insecticide linked to bee death: is reporting that the EPA approved  GMO  insecticide clothianidin was causing bee deaths and the US EPA knew this was happening but covered it up. They also report that Purdue University did a study on this substance and found not only was it killing bees but was contaminating the food supply, which is bad thing clearly for the GMO industry that insists their products are safe but I have learned that is not the case as I have read of massive protests against GMO foods in other countries such as France who want to plant this stuff that has health dangers associated with it and the lawsuits that have been filed against innocent farmers who's crops were contaminated with GMO seeds because the wind brought them there and these lawsuits were filed by none other than MONSANTO!!! according to an article from via OSGATA, on Feb. 24 of this year, a Judge in New York ruled in favor of Monsanto because she felt that organic farmers "were acting unreasonable when they were growing crops to avoid being sued by Monsanto" and as of that article, the farmers did have the right to appeal the decision basically all this was to piss on people's rights to grow their own food and give companies like Monsanto a free pass to destroy the biosphere with their insane quackery.. 

in other news:

The LA times is reporting that more than 100,000 plus US active duty Troops are on meds. The article says" that in a growing number of cases, lawyers are placing blame on the US military's heavy use of psychotropic drugs is causing their clients to have health problems and aberrant behaviour" given the fact the US has fought 2 wars and the stress of that caused this increase prescribed antidepressants and the like and the article mentions a quote from former military psychologist Bart Bilings in which he says he has never seen such an increase in medicating their troops the way they are and you may have heard in the news suicides and murders amongst this group which he goes on to say it might not be coincidental... very interesting stuff for sure..

well this concludes the news roundup for april 9th 2012.. until next time, have a good one folks
