Kony 2012:
I posted a few videos on here that expose this whole thing as pro-war propaganda. I watched a video the other day of young ugandan woman on youtube(the video entitled Kony 2012 video misleading) who did a video addressing this and I have to say this young woman hit it right on the head: this is bullshit and she also exposes the guy behind it makes close to 90,000 grand a year making these films and that invisible children is just nothing more than for profit company and other interesting tidbits. The fact is that Kony and the Lord Resistance Army did their worst prior to 2006 and also the man has not been there since 2006 and some people believe he is actually DEAD!!!!!! and even Ugandans have been outraged by this whole thing. If you want to really help human rights in Africa and around the world, donate to worthy charities like Amnesty International. If you want to buy into this fine but my god at least look into the people promoting this..
People vs. Harper over "climate change":
I read a letter also and editorial the other day in my newspaper suggesting that we overthrow haper because he "denies climate change" because we got out of the lunatic Kyoto accord. ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME??? overthrow our government because they know that man made climate change is an outright hoax??? come on. When the hell are people in Canada gonna wake up and realize this is nothing more than a packaged piece of pseudo-scientific nonsense and this is nothing more than a power grab by the United Nations through Agenda 21 to establish a world facist dictatorship?? WAKE UP CANADA!!! .Did you know are government back in 1992 at the Earth Summit signed us up for this through ICLEI(if you recall one of the videos I posted, I wrote the list of cities here in Canada where this exists) so if you live in lets say Montreal or Ottawa even Calgary , PLEASE RESIST THIS.. kick the UN OUT OF YOUR TOWN for good it is nothing more than a land grab by the UN and also this violates our Charter of rights and freedoms in this country as they will kick you out of your home and put you into "smart growth" "human settlements" to be run like a prison. If you want more information, you can check out my archives and also visit democratsagainstunagenda21.com as well.
You know the US and Canada were once great beacons of light of freedom but now we are slowly being taken over by the anglo-american, british malthusian oligarchical elite powers that want world domination. They see humanity as a disease that needs to be eradicated hence the 85% genocide that has been well documented . Think about it, the internet bill that would let the police spy on you without a warrant, people being arrested or fined even raided in both countries for providing fresh milk and fresh organic vegetables in their own yards etc. This is tyranny that needs to be resisted.. the first step is educating yourself so you have the tools to fight this and I am more than willing to be of assistance as we all need to band together from these lunatics who not only are anti-human and who want to keep the 3rd world nations from their goddamn human rights to develop and lift themselves out of poverty and disease and also reduce their population by forced sterilization and other horrific methods all because they want to oppress society and hurt innocent people.
this quote from Viv Forbes pasture scientist, soil scientist and geologist: "Carbon is the building block for all life on earth. it provides all of the food and most of the energy for the human race. Carbon Dioxide is a tiny part of the atmosphere, yet it sustains all life on earth. it is NOT a pollutant. To be anti-carbon is to be anti-life and anti-human"
KONY 2012 and other war news part 2:
the fact that it was suggested that Canada bomb Syria under the guise of "humanitarianism" is appalling and not something we should be doing.(chronicle journal page A6, editorial march 16, 2012) This whole war is peace is just beyond my comprehension, WAR IS WAR!!! war=genocide.. for example Libya: 150,000 dead, Iraq 1 million DEAD(most where civilians) a and the sanctions that they imposed on Iraq prior to the 2003 invasion by the US has caused the child death rate over there to SKYROCKET!!! most of the deaths are due to malnutrition and STARVATION amongst children but that was okay as long as they could use the hoax of WMD's as a cover to only bomb the place but to secure oil. Another example is Serbia 1999, when NATO basically carpet bombed the place destroying churches, schools and hospitals not to mention the hundreds of people that were killed and it was under the guise that Serbia was committing "genocide" (http://www.infowars.com/dont-forget-yugoslavia, april 16 2008). So you trendies out there who think war is peace, clearly you have lost your minds