Monday, November 28, 2011

Canada to back out of Kyoto officially

According to CTV news,  The Canadian government is going to back out of the Kyoto Accord sometime next month. As you are probably aware the kyoto accord was about reducing "greenhouse gases" in order to battle "climate change" but it was the Western countries that had to comply whereas China had free pass to release as much "carbon emissions" as they wanted and isn't it funny that  a few months ago when I posted that article by the Sydney Morning Herald where Canada was considering getting out of the treaty and now they are doing it. Well on one hand, I am damn glad we are getting out of this piece of garbage treaty which given all of my research into this man made global warming hoax, we should have never signed it in the first place but either way this is the step in the right direction however the eco-facists are still hell bent on regulating our lives and unfortunately here in Ontario, the unawaked masses re-elected the left who have done nothing but scam and gouge us on wind farms, environmental taxes on flat screen tvs(which is 25 bucks, talk about a gouge) , smart meters and etc..  But this news does give me hope that maybe someday we will take our province and country back from these criminals till then enjoy life and don't let these eco-facist bastards get you down...


Wednesday, November 23, 2011

more on climategate 2.0

Well new emails have come to light on how they conspired to commit fraud and kick out skeptics in peer-reviewed journals.. you can read these emails (20 of them) on, the steve milloy site I was telling you about yesterday. Some of the highlights include how the arrogant Ben Santer was pissed off that he could not silence skeptics, how their attempt at erasing the Medieval Warm Period was going wrong etc... all good stuff 

these emails basically confirm the conspiracy to commit fraud, to conspire against anyone who stood up to them and most of all the conspiracy to sell scare tactics to the public 

anyway, to my american friends Happy Thanksgiving... be Safe

Update: another good site to read these emails is, (foia stands for freedom of information act)  


Monday, November 21, 2011

The Elite's Plan for Global Extermination Exposed by Dr. Webster Tarpley...

 this is the first part of the video series with webster tarpley that again expose the myth of overpopulation.. enjoy

Friday, November 11, 2011

Rememberance Day and part of the world war 2 conspiracy

 first of all, Today we honour those who fought and died in various wars throughout history and even current ones like Afghanistan and Iraq. I had 4 great uncles on my dad's side who fought for Canada in world war 2. Only 3 returned(but died later on in their lives), 1 was killed in the battle of Anzio on February 3rd 1944. We honor their courage and sacrifices they have made so we can enjoy our freedoms and rights(while we still can.. as you know from reading this blog on the topics I cover)  LEST WE FORGET. 

now part of  the world war 2 conspiracy: Who was really part of Hitler's rise to power and who helped fund the Kaiser Wilhelm Institute(who were a eugenicist organization) ???

1) It has been discovered that Prescott Bush(Bush jr's grandfather) and George Herbert Walker(whom I believe Bush Sr. was named after) helped aid and a bet hitler and his nazi war machine(articles I found from the Guardian in the UK confirm this) I also discovered when I watched Alex Jones 9/11 martial law an excerpt where an investigative journalist went to the national archives of the Us and the Library congress and found proof that they also were part of IG farben who operated the Auschwitz death camp

2) The Rockefellar family funded the Kaiser Wilhelm Institute (you can wikipedia this by typing in Rockefellars funded Kaiser Wilhelm Institute) during the Depression to keep this genocidal operation going

3) For the Nazis to take control, they burned down the Reishtag (which was the German Parliament building) and blamed it on a mentally handicapped young man and executed him for a crime he didn't commit as the excuse to get into power when they created this false flag attack

that is all for now.. God Bless and have a good day
