Thursday, April 4, 2013

Video: 15 year old defends 2nd Amendment

A 15 year old firearms instruction student, who says she has been shooting since age 7, gave one hell of a courageous and brave testimony in Maryland last week against gun control legislation in the state.

The video is 3 minutes and she explained that she was part of the Maryland Rifle Club and Maryland State Rifle team since she was 11, actually earning her numerous scholarships to prestigious colleges that have shooting teams.

She said: "Achieveing stricter gun control laws would have obliterated any opportunity I could have had to attend a decent college on a shooting scholarship"

She also stated that her training she declared that it helped her pinpoint the true nature of gun violence saying: "Ever since I first learned how to shoot, the issue with gun violence around the nation became clear: guns are not the problem, people are"

Much to the horror of the hypocritical gun grabbers, she said that part of her instruction included shooting the demonized AR-15 semi auto and her personal rifle was a Bushmaster, the same one again demonized that was supposedly used by Adam Lanza during the tragic Sandy Hook shootings

"By signing this legislation, you are not signing away gun violence, but instead liberating American citizens of our constitutional rights"

I think it is bloody great that young people are standing up to the insane gun control legislation that will do nothing but put the guns in the hands of the government and criminals and only goes after law-abiding gun owners despite the anti-gun crowd claiming otherwise..