Friday, April 12, 2013

Soda Ban highlights the hidden problems with Gun Control Legislation, Green Land Grabs steal from poor and given to rich

People pushing for gun control should take a damn good look at new research in the wake of globalist operative Mayor of NYC Bloomberg's failure to ban the sale of soda in containers that are 16 oz. When faced with such draconian nonsense such as this, Americans will find a way to get around the system.

A month after the New York City's health department was forced to shut down their campaign to restrict soda sizes, a new report from PLOS ONE takes a look at the hidden dangers that could have happened as result of Bloomberg's nanny state attempt to ban sodas had it gone through. The PLOS ONE report found that had the ban been allowed Americans would have just kept consuming even mroe sugary drinks, and vendors and the manufacturers would have made big time profits.

The researchers of PLOS ONE brought in 100 undergrads from UC San Diego and set up fake concessions where they offered things like popcorn, pizza and a variety of beverage options including single serve cups and "bundles" of cups. One concession had a full service menu with single cup servings priced at 16 oz. for $1.59, 24 oz for $1.79 and a 32 oz. for $1.99 and etc..

The study showed that participants bought more ounces of soda with bundles than varying sized drinks which was a "potential unintended consequence" that the promoters had not considered. Even though the prices were the same for 32 oz. either way participants were more likely to buy the bundles sodas than the single serve versions

Now getting to the gun grab, the promoters of this don't seem to get or realize that this will have the same effect if they dare ram through their draconian legislation on guns they simply think that the manufacturers will take the banned weapons of the market and are willing to lose sales and the average American would comply but again they won't because it is our nature to try and get around the system if we see something that is restrictive and the American people will still want guns and the people selling them will only be to happy to comply but also we all know gun control never works it only puts the guns into criminals and the government and throughout history has caused 290 million people to lose their lives through democide or death by government...

On Feb.28th 2010, armed troops kicked villagers in Uganda's Mubende District to make way for planting trees. The troops were acting on behalf of a British forest company that claims it is fighting "global warming" and the trees will absorb CO2 so that carbon credits can be sold to transnational corporations to stop "dangerous man-made climate change and disruption"

The long time villagers were beaten by gun-toting soliders who torched their houses, destroyed their crops and butchered livestock. An 8 year old boy was burned to death as he was sick in bed while his mum was out getting medicine for him when she got back friends of hers told her to get home fast and saw her house literally in flames

This is part of a huge civil complaint filed by 1,489 Mubende claimants in the High Court of Uganda at Nakawa a report by Oxfam confirms their claims the New York Times had reported on this story and was picked up by others as well(even I remember posting about this)

The Company was New Forests, who were a Londong based "carbon" credit company of course is denying all of this despite Oxfam confirming all of this and saying that the settlers had leased the land to them in Namwasa and Luwunga Forest Reserves

This is an example of the anti-human slant of radical environmentalists and also this is United Nations Agenda 21 at work as well using "green" cover to steal land away to save the earth from a life giving gas CO2, which is no pollutant despite what the eco-tryants telling us it is deadly. This "green" land grab is plain greed by self-righteous elites like Al Gore and the rest of them to control everything using the environment as an excuse to do it and it is disgusting. We have a lot of real problems like smog, GMOs and toxic waste dumping in the ocean but carbon dioxide is no problem folks.

 Plants need CO2 to grow so that not only can we feed people but the animals who rely on plants for their food benefit as well and of course without CO2 there would be no life but again the eco-tyrants don't care about the truth and instead rely on pseudo-science and fear-mongering to get what they want: One World Government dominated by the mega-corporations and the private foreign/domestic banks and the families who RUN THEM!!! and to hold back poor nations from using cheap sources of energy like coal, oil, natural gas and nuclear which is a clear illustration of the anti-human doctrine of the globalist elite.

"to be anti-carbon is to be anti-life and anti-human"-Viv Forbes