Sunday, April 21, 2013

Carbon Tax to protect US from "terror": NYT's Friedman urges America to push carbon tax to save us from "terror" and more eco-lunacy

Is there no lengths these eco-tyrants like Friedman, who is a poor excuse for a journalist, will not go to to control our lives through one of the greatest hoaxes ever man made climate change?? Is there no length these scum won't go to to convince us that a life giving gas CO2 is so deadly that we need to tax it to protect us from "terror"??

Never mind that the tragic bombings in Boston are being covered up(see my archives for the latest) and the fact the 2 suspects had met with the FBI previously on several occasions and found nothing, Never mind that governments especially the United States government have staged terror for many different reasons whether it is for illegal wars, hiding the fact that Obama and Bush have committed war crimes and etc.. no it is carbon dioxide and therefore we must tax the shit out of the middle class and poor, hold back third world development to save the earth from a life giving non-harmful gas and "terror"

Sure recycling, reducing REAL pollution like smog, promoting fuel efficient vehicles, other forms of energy like natural gas(despite Josh Fox and his propaganda movie known as Gasland would have you believe about the fracking process), for more information I urge all of you to purchase the movie FrackNation from where the 2 irish husband and wife journalists who brought us the awesome Not Evil Just Wrong, which you can buy as well and download off of Itunes and is a must watch too as they in both movies do a great job exposing radical environmentalists and the lies they use to further their disgusting anti-human agenda)  beach cleanups, water cleanups, not having drinking water with diseases and toxins in it are all good environmental things but the fraud of man made climate change has nothing to do with this at all as I have documented and as others too. It is about the globalist setting up their world government through UN Agenda 21, which uses green cover to land grab and control every resource on the planet and humans and of course the more sinister genocide of 90% of the world's population under this hoax.. the theme for this years Eco-Fascist Day(which earth day should be renamed) is wait for it... man made climate change.. yes the hoax that won't die is this year's theme.. despite the fact they have been caught in 3 climategates cooking the books, despite the fact the world is cooling, despite the fact that yet again CO2 is not a pollutant but a life sustaining gas.. the eco-fascists have officially lost their minds here  when we have real issues like smog, GMOs, chemicals being sprayed in the sky, toxic waste dumping in the ocean but again it is CO2 and therefore we have to give up our rights to the UN and the mega-corporations/private foreign/domestic banks for the New World Order all through frauds such as this.. truly disgusting...