Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Ontario government's "Smart Growth" nothing more than Communist takeover destroying Canadian Housing dreams and how this really also United Nations Agenda 21

We see it every where smart this smart that that it is a part of our day. Whether it is smart meters,smrat cars, smart phones, smart cities... you get the idea. Basically this is all crap dreamed up by the radical green movement using green cover to get us to give up our rights under the guise of saving the earth from a life giving gas CO2. This stuff our government has been allowed to get away with for 10 years and still getting away with their criminal activity but people are starting to wake up as to why their hydro bills have doubled, why their smart cars are useless pieces of shit, why their "smart homes" are so damn expensive. Here is one: imagine living in a 350 square foot apartment in the city next to your work and not exactly what you had in mind if you are married and have had a couple children and having to have multiple jobs to afford this nightmare.

Smart Growth is really just another term for gulags like in Soviet Russia and China is the model for the world when it comes to United Nations Agenda 21 and with their horrific one child policy that the globalist elite want for the rest of us should they get their way and have their tyrannical eco-fascist dictatorship worldwide.

The video is from RT reporter Abby Martin exposing how smart meters are just really there to spy on you illegally and raise the prices of your energy bills (in Ontario we pay the highest in the country at 42% and yet they openly brag about how they shut down 11 of our 19 coal plants because they were emitting "deadly" life giving CO2!!!)

What a scam indeed