Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Warning To American Gun Owners From Canadian News Anchor

 Brian Lilley of Sun News here in Canada talking about how the long gun registry here in Canada was really a disguise for confiscation before we abolished it and he warns our friends in the US that the same thing will happen to them if the government gets their way with their draconian gun control legislation. For example A guy by the name of Ian Thompson got arrested(this was in the national post) for defending himself against 4 men who were firebombing him by using a gun and there was a gun smith in Dryden(which is 3 hours west of Thunder Bay) was being threatened by the government that if he didn't register his guns his house was going to be taken away from him and he actually tried to challenge this and failed as he was convicted and actually lost his house because he didn't want to register his gun and of course our tyrannical provincial government  treated him as if he was some sort of drug lord for god's sake.

SO my message to Americans is this: Don't let them do to you what they did here in Canada. Defend your right to bear arms and don't let them take them from you if they dare try..