Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Is US president Obama going to destroy Canada's Economy through a carbon Tax??

the Financial Post reported yesterday that a Carbon Tax may be coming if Washington approves the Keystone XL pipeline. As the president spoke in his State of the Union address, hollywood elites, radical environmentalists and other pushers of the fraud that is man made climate change are pushing him to do something about evil life giving carbon dioxide. If Washington approves this the flow of our oil into the United States we have to bow down and impose a "carbon tax" on hardworking canadian families that will do nothing but raise the prices of energy for all and destroy our economy that is already bad and in his State of the Union address last night he did address this garbage fraud by saying we have to do something to stop "climate change" and promoted such lies as 2012 was the hottest on record when in reality it was not the 1930s were hotter than today

The Truth of the matter is folks these people have been taken over by the globalist elites all the way down to the United Nations and their draconian Agenda 21 and the transfer of wealth to the private banking oligarchy to fund their tyrannical world government will take place if we do not stand up and say NO to this ridiculous tax that has nothing to do with the environment at all and is the key to funding the world government

This so called tax is enslavement and  what is worse is that CO2 is not a pollutant at all as anyone with a brain will tell you. It is one of the 4 elements of life on this earth, to say that carbon is evil is a slap in the face to all life on this earth and as Viv Forbes once said: "to be anti-carbon is to be anti-life and anti-human" which is the truth. This is an anti-human genocidal doctrine because they want to shut down industry and kill 90% of us when they cross their i's and dot the t's for their world tyrannical government.

It is so important we expose these criminal eco-fascist eugenicists

related: Obama's state of the Union address reference on "Climate Change" completely wrong:

When Obama spewed his rhetoric in his speech how he will stop "climate change" and protect kids from the WEATHER!!! with policies really shows how in deep shit we are when a globalist puppet like himself uses propaganda and eco-fascist lies to justify the agenda of these anti-human pieces of trash. The article has a step by step guide from Climate Depot exposing how ignorant of REAL science he is and exposes the reality of arguably one of the greatest scams in history

WE do not need protection from the weather, we need protection from tyrants who want to impose a genocidal world government pretending they can control the weather through legislation. Climatologist Tim Ball of Canada wrote recently(and is linked" how future generations will curse why we allowed a few oligarchical morons claim that a life giving gas was evil and was causing the planet to die people will wonder why we bought in this shit(my words)

Please spread this around to everyone you know..