Friday, February 22, 2013

U.S Federal government moves to disarm returning veterans and Carbon Tax delusions

It is really no surprise that the U.S. Department of Homeland Security considers returning veterans as a threat to the established order. They wrote back in 2009 in their report which Alex Jones and alternative media exposed the fact that : "Returning Veterans possess combat skills and experience that are attractive to right wing extremists... DHS/I&A is concerned that right-wing extremists will attempt to recruit and radicalize veterans in order to boost their violent capacities.

You recall the case of Brendan Raub, who was kidnapped and thrown into a psych hospital for Facebook posts that the government considered "subversive" and cops in Ohio seized the man's guns after he was declared mentally incompetent despite the fact Veterans Administration did a psych evaluation and determined he was not mentally ill..

Paul Joesph Watson(a writer for and on August the 24th 2012 wrote: "Since the veteran is active in the so-called truth movement or patriot community, it is assumed that his involvement in this field is part of the reason why he was targeted for psychiatric evaluation"

A Constitutional lawyer Michael Connelly said that the government is moving to strip veterans of their rights to bear arms by declaring them mentally incompetent and there is document shots in this article of a letter that the U.S Department of Veteran Affairs to hundreds even thousands of America's veterans

That is a slap in the face to those Americans who served their country Excuse my french but the U.S. government completely out of their fucking minds and are totally out of control .. yeah thanks for your service we are now going to strip you of your GOD GIVEN constitutional rights..

The reality is globalist puppet Obama will not get all the gun grabbing he wants to do through congress and it would not be enough either. We all know him and his globalist masters who control him want to completely disarm the law abiding citizens of the United States of America and what would stop them from going after people on Social Security or Disability??? So it seems here they want to use mental health as an excuse to go after people because of their age and therefore you have no rights at all and can't even own a damn gun to protect yourself from criminals and tyrants..

America you deserve better than this bullshit!! hell we all deserve better

Great article by CFACT's Paul Driessen exposing the delusional carbon tax that has nothing to do with environment but further destroying the economy and jobs.

Despite the fact that for nearly 2 decades there has been no warming, Hurricanes, Tornados are at their normal or lowest ebb in decades, Global sea ice is either expanding or normal, Arctic Sea ice is the same and the sea levels have not risen either since 1900

Yet Globalist puppet Obama and the rest of them, so called climatologist, news media and the rest of the establishment continue to insist that a life giving gas Carbon Dioxide is so damn evil and is changing the Earth's climate and we need to take action to prevent storms like Sandy predicted by the UN IPCC and the fake scientific consensus

When in reality a study done by the Heritage Foundation showed that taxing CO2 at 25 bucks per toon would increase a family of 4's income to 1400 dollars a year and raise their energy costs by 500 bucks a year!! that is 2,000 grand a year from their budget for things like dental, food, vacations and etc..

Folks CO2 is not a pollutant at all as I have said many times but these eco-fascists don't care as long as they are allowed to tax the shit of you and I through FRAUD no less so they can control our lives, further de-industrialize us  and fund their tyrannical world government and New World Order!!