Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Earth Day: Nothing more than state run gaia worshipping death cult religion


Today is Earth Day, a chance for the eco-fascist tyrants and other narcissistic eco-types to feel good about themselves by disparaging their neighbors

There was time when environmental issues were brought to the forefront such as smog being above cities, lead was poisoning and making people sick and the agency that implemented these changes the EPA is now out of control and riddled with corruption and among that is the idea that carbon dioxide, which is one of the most important nutrients for plants is a pollutant which we all know is fraud

The tragedy of this day is the fact governments have spent all kinds of tax payer dollars on a non-problem on meaningless nonsense to reduce a nutrient in the atmosphere while billions are left to suffer in misery with poverty around the world

I think we can all agree things like recycling, proper forest stewardship, beach and river cleanups, having water with no diseases and toxic poisons in it, promoting other forms of energy are good environmental practices

But the thing the eco-tyrants refuse to discuss is the that deforestation is caused by the fact people are poor and therefore have to burn wood to cook their food and use as heat and that the best way to solve this is to let them develop their coal, gas and oil and of course they demonize coal when burning coal is much better than burning animal shit ot wood and coal is the moral choice and is on the rise in some parts of the world because of how life saving it is to the poor

Natural gas, another thing they demonize, has lowered emissions in the US if you care and even better would be to use uranium and thorium but mention nuclear power to the eco-fascists and they just foam at the mouth however another reason too is the leaks at Fukushima which were as a result of the earthquake and tsunami and the fact that the building was old I think it was around 50 years old or something like that but I think we can find a way to make this technology safe at some point

But it does not stop there take the Golden Rice issue, Patrick Moore formerly of Greenpeace who left because they were becoming anti-science and anti-human, is fighting for this rice that could save children in places like Asia and Africa but it is being attacked by Greenpeace.

The idea behind golden rice is is it is engineered to produce Vitamin A. This is important because Vitamin A deficiency is responsible for 500,000 irreversible blindness and 2 million deaths a year. Most vulnerable are Pregnant women and kids in poor countries. Across the globe, pregnant women and 190 million children suffer from this. Dietary supplementation of vitamin A through this rice can be eliminated but it is denounced as evil by the eco-fascists calling it "frankenfood" while millions die

Hell even Pope Francis gave his blessing on Golden Rice. Still they don't trust the science and anything that is created by man. On nuclear energy, Moore has reveresed himself on that and the fraud that is man made climate change pales to the needs of the poor of this world

So hats off to the eco-fascists: demonizing a nutrient for plants, blocking fracking, forcing developed nations to create biofuel which has done nothing but drive up food prices in poor countries where there have been food riots in places like Haiti for example, They demonize a life saving rice that could save millions of people. It is them, not the CO2 fraud they push, that pose the greatest threat to the world

If you really care about your fellow man, take a pause and think about the state of the world on Earth Day. Most of the stuff you will see is pure bullshit and The truth is there is no room for humanity because the radical greens and radical environmental activists are so anti-human because of their death cult worship of nature, they have no compassion at all for humanity

It is time we get rid of this day and reclaim it as Earth People's Day